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Post ITT and I will give you an avatar
avatars are cool
i would bee happy if you switched mine out!
Well sure, give me something nice.

Readster Edit: Done
The big grey box is kinda obnoxious, so hit me

Readster Edit: Less obnoxious
Yes please

Readster Edit: Not quite milk... well maybe it's RED milk!
im back and i need something that fits my drinking problem
Gimme something to say that "I can't play the game for another few months and am suffering withdrawal"

Readster Edit: Suffer long and it will set you free

Edit: Happy Sad big grin
give me something that will give me nightmares for the rest of my life

Readster Edit: This image file is saved as "grabber"
readster smells
Do me!

Readster Edit: Here you go!
y'all got any good janitor pictures? the current one is good but it looks way too much like me and it scares me sometimes frown

Readster Edit: Janitor-y

user edit: woah, sPoOkY janitor, nice
Yeah sure, hit me up, somethin cute

Readster Edit: This guy is cute as heck
I made a post about nine months ago requesting an avatar and posted a pretty sick poem (although it has a weird rhyme scheme) and got this cute food avatar, but it doesn't really GET me. I need a new one that matches me and my personality!
I'd like a profile pic. If you need directions I'm a newb at goon (played 3 days) and I've been doing genetics.

Or you can go wild and ignore that, your call.

Readster Edit: This looks like something genetics would make

Edit: Nice, I like it. spoopy
Hey could you please give me a funny tall man with stupidly long hair?

Readster Edit: Does this count?

Edit: Close enough.
Make me fabulous, Fam.

Readster Edit: Lit
Sankto Edit: Lit

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