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Nerf Prismatic Spray
As it stands, Prismatic Spray is FAR too powerful of a spell, for a large number of reasons.

1. It completely ignores chaplain immunity (but this is a "feature" hur dur)

2. Most of the projectiles can kill instantly (you seem to have forgotten how OP artguns can be)

3. Its cooldown is far too short for the power that it has.

So, I think to fix it, the effects should be as such:

1. Limit the power of the projectiles to under 100

2. Make chaplain immune to the stuns/radiation/other weird effects

3. Increase the cooldown

But I mean if you have other ideas to fix this horribly broken spell, say so.
I mean, this seems kind of knee jerky.

One of the best ways to counter is to not stand next to the wizard when you can manage?  And keep healing medicine on you.

Which you should be doing when a wizard is spotted in the first place.
Hi, yes, as the creator of the spell, let me refine these suggestions a bit.

First off, artifact projectiles are already limited in terms of raw power.

src.power = rand(2,50)

Even at its strongest, an artifact shot will be weaker than a normal laser shot.

However, when all the bullets are able to connect on a single target, that damage can rack up pretty quickly. This is especially true if some of the bullets happen to roll radiation damage.

As such, I think the biggest problem with the spell is the fact that the cone of fire is so narrow that you can just cast the spell point blank to guarantee all of your shots will hit the target.

I think the best solution would be to reduce the max damage of the projectiles from 50 to 30, significantly widen the firing angle to about 140 degrees, and increase the number of projectiles from 12 to 20.

This should, in theory, make the spell more useful for offensive area denial rather than single target elimination.

Another more hilarious (but probably worse overall) solution would be to increase the cooldown up to clown's revenge territory but give the shots a decent (15%, say) chance to explode on impact. The important part here is that the wizard is *not* immune to these explosions.
Well if you are standing that close to a wizard you should expect to get your fucking ass wrecked. They have many spells that would be more deadly at that range.
[Image: cectb]
If you wanna just attack wizards you gotta be a barbarian thems the rules, by Crom
How to kill wizards:
Step 1: acquire drinking glasses full of acid
Step 2: throw drinking glasses full of acid at wizard
Step 3: robust the wizard
(06-24-2018, 02:19 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: How to kill wizards:
Step 1: acquire drinking glasses full of acid
Step 2: throw drinking glasses full of acid at wizard
Step 3: robust the wizard

Or just use your own magic prismatic spray.

Cept it's more a cloud than a spray. And it's less magical and more chemical. And the only color is acid.
As a chaplain you never have access to anything, a chaplain should be able to fight a wizard, but the only thing they can do 90% of rounds is melee them with the bible.
You would be surprised how quickly you can kill someone with a bible if you can keep them down, wizard or otherwise.

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