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Explosion screen shake
A toggleable option that would make the screen shake whenever an explosion happens.
Also a very weak screen shake for distant explosions that would scale up with power of the explosion.

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This is already a thing, I think? Fairly sure my screen shakes whenever a bomb goes off near enough.
This is already a thing.

It only happens with powerful enough explosions though.
My TTVs always shake the screen.
yeah this is a thing but it would be cool if it was somewhat more common
(05-23-2018, 09:59 AM)Triacontakai Wrote: yeah this is a thing but it would be cool if it was somewhat more common

Yeah, make the screen shake more common.
Add it to the nuke, add it to the crappy pipebomb, add it to almost every explosion.
And a teeny tiny screen shake for those distant small explosions.
I think the reason they made it more rare is because when a bunch of explosions happen that shake at the same time sometimes byond fucked up and left your screen like off center. At least I think I remember that happening back then
I feel like if it was more common, it wouldn't be as special.

When your screen shakes and you hear a boom, you know part of the station just went missing.

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