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Movement speed change?
I was wondering if anyone felt the same way about this: Do characters move too fast for you? Is the difference between walking, running, and sprinting a bit too awkward?

I was thinking it could work more like this
  • Get rid of the difference between walking and running, and have the default speed somewhere in between what the two of those currently are
  • Holding down shift to sprint becomes the only way to run. Moving while sprinting now is what makes you slip
  • Overall, stamina use while sprinting is reduced so you can sprint much longer before becoming winded. However, your current stamina level determines how fast you move while sprinting. Full stamina means very quickly, low stamina a bit slower, etc
I'm perfectly comfortable with the way movement is handled right now. As such, I, personally, don't see the point in this change.
Eeehh, 90% of the time I'm walking anyways.

I prefer the way it is now. Walk around when nothing's really happening and you can take your time, Run when people are murder happy.
I personally like the way the system is right now, sprinting gives you that feeling of 'oh shit I really need to fucking book it'
(05-20-2018, 11:17 AM)Technature Wrote: Eeehh, 90% of the time I'm walking anyways.

I prefer the way it is now.  Walk around when nothing's really happening and you can take your time, Run when people are murder happy.

Oh yeah, I think I end up walking a lot too, and almost never switching to running.

Which feels a bit cheap that I can still sprint while walking, gaining both the speed bonus and the non-slip bonus.

I also think default running is a bit too fast to be conducive to melee combat. Because of that, fights are fast wiggle fests with quick take downs

Slower movement but higher stamina could make fights more technical slugfests, with sprinting serving as a way to trade off speed for sturdiness

I should say, I don't have a huge problem with movement as it is now, I just think design influences gameplay and am openly wondering if there's a more fun way to handle things

Also, while I was typing this, I had an idea that might help with the whole wiggle fest thing without changing much. 

You know how when you bump into someone and your both on Help intent, you push past each other, but if you're on anything else you push them?

Well, what if when you're both on Harm, you just stop moving? Like an unstoppable Force against an unmovable object?
No it's perfect.

(05-20-2018, 06:15 AM)Noah Buttes Wrote: I'm perfectly comfortable with the way movement is handled right now. As such, I, personally, don't see the point in this change.
What you suggest makes sense, but I prefer the current system over it.

Walking speed is pretty fast, no slip.
Running speed is a little faster, slip.
Sprinting is sanic, but can get you killed.

Only things I'd tweak are noslip sprintwalking (sounds more a like an oversight) and maybe a walk-button to complement the sprint-button. Also some way to counter spacelube would be great.
Man a walk button would be amazing.
(05-23-2018, 07:08 PM)Ed Venture Wrote: Man a walk button would be amazing.

Ohhh, maybe a key that instead of toggling run and walk, just does it while held. Like the crouch key in a lot of FPS games

Or maybe it's not just a walk button but also a defensive posture button? Let's you avoid being pushed, blocks damage, and let's you perform counterattacks. While moving you're slower but can walk on lube and ice and are harder to see from a distance, especially when lying down. Uses stamina to hold the posture
(05-23-2018, 04:17 PM)Eibel Wrote: I personally like the way the system is right now, sprinting gives you that feeling of 'oh shit I really need to fucking book it'

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