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Official Traitor Items Discussion Thread (Wonk)
Caltrops: Throw them on the ground, hopefully some one steps on them stunning them.

Maybe they could even jam into your foot meaning surgical removal is necessary.
MACHINE CONTROL IMPLANT: Allows a roboticist to remotely toggle e-magged behavior of NPC robots, renders them immune to NPC robot action (i.e., guardbuddies and securitrons ignore them, though so should beneficial robots like medical bots).

Potential additional effects, depending on cost: Remotely control NPC robots in a manner similar to the AI deploying to their shell, allowing them to wreak havoc from a distance.

ULTRA EXTREME HIGH-COST VERSION IDEA: Allow them to remote control a cyborg body.

Being attacked or stunned in their "own" body disrupts any remote controlling they might be doing.

Possibly doubles as a machine translator implant.
Just a minor suggestion: I think the power sink could use a buff, i. e. drain a lot more juice. On Cogmap, the engine is easily able to outperform it - and with a bit of management, the three solar arrays combined can achieve the same result.
Depends on where you put the power sink. I once witnessed a round where someone near killed the AI using a nicely placed power sink.

I think they managed to kill part of the engine too.
i think power sinks should have 3 settings:

Low: drains power at a lower rate but lasts longer before exploding
High: Drains power super fast, easily outpaces engine but also explodes quicker
Changeling DNA Graft: A hypospray or an injector which, when used on a target, makes them register as a changeling when their blood is tested. For extra points, make it periodically cause them to emote spitting acid at people (with legitimate text color so it looks real) who are near them.

Great for subtle assassinations and sowing paranoia! Not sure on cost.
Xanatov Valerius Wrote:Changeling DNA Graft: A hypospray or an injector which, when used on a target, makes them register as a changeling when their blood is tested. For extra points, make it periodically cause them to emote spitting acid at people (with legitimate text color so it looks real) who are near them.

Great for subtle assassinations and sowing paranoia! Not sure on cost.
That would unbalance so much stuff.

Whenever someone spits acid, people will wonder if he's real or not. real changelings will be spared thinking they were framed by a traitor.

On second thought, this could be hilarious.
enforcer9 Wrote:
Xanatov Valerius Wrote:Changeling DNA Graft: A hypospray or an injector which, when used on a target, makes them register as a changeling when their blood is tested. For extra points, make it periodically cause them to emote spitting acid at people (with legitimate text color so it looks real) who are near them.

Great for subtle assassinations and sowing paranoia! Not sure on cost.
That would unbalance so much stuff.

Whenever someone spits acid, people will wonder if he's real or not. real changelings will be spared thinking they were framed by a traitor.

On second thought, this could be hilarious.

Give it a relatively high cost, since it basically guarantees that the person subject to it will be killed.

That said, I do not see a problem with a traitor item causing havoc and paranoia!
A microbomb implant that detonates on a key word being said.

Would be fun to implant into a mindslave or yourself depending on your gimmick and egging people into saying your trigger word
Klayboxx Wrote:A microbomb implant that detonates on a key word being said.

Would be fun to implant into a mindslave or yourself depending on your gimmick and egging people into saying your trigger word

Make it cost more than a normal microbomb and be more powerful, as it has the downside of being able to be set off accidentally, or be foiled if you get drunk/shocked/anything that affects speech.
5 telecrystals
Medical Doctors Only

Cuts off limbs in one click, deals very little damage because it cauterizes the wound instantly.
UrsulaMejor Wrote:C-scalpel
5 telecrystals
Medical Doctors Only

Cuts off limbs in one click, deals very little damage because it cauterizes the wound instantly.

Why would this be a traitor item? Does not sound useful at all for traitors.
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:
UrsulaMejor Wrote:C-scalpel
5 telecrystals
Medical Doctors Only

Cuts off limbs in one click, deals very little damage because it cauterizes the wound instantly.

Why would this be a traitor item? Does not sound useful at all for traitors.
Two clicks, your target can't hold items and can't fight back as you do all sorts of horrible things to them.
After learning more about how limb removal is done, I'd like to say that the intent of this item was to allow you to do this to someone who is not on a table. The point is that you can walk up to someone and quickly de-limb them in seconds, but not actually hurt them.
That'd make some great "TIS NOTHING BUT A FLESH WOUND!" moments.

I'm all for it.

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