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Remove Donut 2 From the Map Rotation
After seeing similar opinions from a lot of people about them not liking Donut 2 and some personal opinions, I think it would be best to remove Donut 2 from the map rotation and vote until it is re-modeled and updated in every area.

There are WAY too many problems with the map all around and it is almost unbearable to deal with playing this map for a full round for a lot of people. A few of these issues are that Pathology is on Zeta, Chemistry has no glass recycler, the only ID computer on station is in Customs when there should be one on Bridge, Chaplain doesn't get a locked locker with the new equipment in it, there is no quick safe way around the singulo gen unless you go all the way around the station, Engineering has no magboots, etc.

If enough people in the community agree with this idea, this should definitely go through, just because 3-7 people like the people compared to 40-50 people hating it, does not mean it should stay. I think once it is updated it will become a much better map to bear with and play on.
Wait, why would chemistry even need a glass recycler?

Aren't beakers still throw-proof?

On a more directly related topic, wouldn't it be better to just make a donut 2 "FIX THIS SHIT" style thread with all the issues currently present in the map?

You, know, like this one?
Noah, the map needs to be completely redone in all honesty
It's way outdated, some things are way too large or small, etc etc
(04-25-2018, 07:23 PM)Drago156 Wrote: Noah, the map needs to be completely redone in all honesty
It's way outdated, some things are way too large or small, etc etc

But we need to be able to provide specific examples of what's wrong in order to actually make our feedback useful to the poor saps that have to do the mapping.

We can't do thaf if we can't playtest it.
Donut 2 is actually an asylum made to drive you insane and mad, you're literally running in circles

compare the quality of life equipment that you get on cog1 and 2 in every department and donut2 is devoid of a simple glass recycler in the bar
(04-25-2018, 07:41 PM)Noah Buttes Wrote:
(04-25-2018, 07:23 PM)Drago156 Wrote: Noah, the map needs to be completely redone in all honesty
It's way outdated, some things are way too large or small, etc etc

But we need to be able to provide specific examples of what's wrong in order to actually make our feedback useful to the poor saps that have to do the mapping.

We can't do thaf if we can't playtest it.

I provided a few examples, and I could've kept the list going Noah, the map needs to be updated with all the modern stuff or removed entirely and a Donut 3 be made by chance. I don't know, but that is the best really in my eyes, I CAN'T stand playing on it or looking at it any more because most of every room has some problem most likely to deal with something missing.
when I open the game and see the round is on donut I usually just quit and do something else for 45 minutes so the map changes over

I get that it has sentimental value to some folks but it's just not a good map for doing things in
I'm not saying this isn't a good idea, I'm sure Donut could use some more modernization. But isn't this kind of a self-policing problem?

(04-25-2018, 06:48 PM)Drago156 Wrote: just because 3-7 people like the people compared to 40-50 people hating it, does not mean it should stay.

Like, can't the 40 players who hate it just... vote for another map? That's kind of the point of the map vote system!

This way we can keep all of the maps on hand for if and when people fancy them, without having to wheel out a coder to manually adjust the build.
At the very least can we please make the maintenance ghost sound clientside on this map? It drives me insane hearing that every 5 seconds on every single round of donut 2
Gannets, the problems are that people don't map vote enough, or not enough votes go to a different map. I mean look at Professor's post. And updating it would be something necessary eventually, so why not get it done now rather than later so player satisfaction goes up and Donut 2 becomes a more enjoyable map for everyone.
Yeah, I definitely fall into the "nostalgia" category of players, given that Donut was the map I first played on, but even I agree that it's basically unplayable.

Maybe a good solution for now is to have a sort of Donut 2.5 situation, where the map at least gets updated with the current amenities we're used to from the other stations.  Doesn't solve all problems, but at least it makes Donut workable until it gets revamped or maybe even replaced with Donut 3.

(side note: after reading this thread, "donut" doesn't look like a word to me anymore, if you get what I mean)
Guys keep in mind they are used to maintaining one map for a time span of two years at the least. Map rotation is still very new and the first version of this Idea was even if the system to have map rotation was finished and good to go it would be on hold till all the old maps were completely updated but due to high demand for map rotation they put it in anyways.

So don't be too hard on them for giving us what we wanted.
Also fun fact this version of donut is not the old version. It has already been modernized a little bit. The first versions that were implemented were basically unplayable.
(04-26-2018, 06:12 PM)Sord213 Wrote: Also fun fact this version of donut is not the old version. It has already been modernized a little bit. The first versions that were implemented were basically unplayable.

And this version is also considered unplayable by a lot of people
(04-26-2018, 06:12 PM)Sord213 Wrote: Also fun fact this version of donut is not the old version. It has already been modernized a little bit. The first versions that were implemented were basically unplayable.

From my knowledge not much has been changed since then to the map.

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