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New Chaplain abilities: Sigils and Incantations
custom spells would be absolutely SICK
great to hear Keelin!
Hi I helped test this today! It's cool and good and you can make Shitty Bill explode into a shrapnel of molitz shards
There will be more testing and changing and different runes.

1 million bees appear in cargo
Tested this two rounds in a row. It's absolutely wonderful, I love it - it's fun to try and find all the combinations, and it's hilarious when the screw-ups end up involving your accidentally sacrificing the captain to make bees. Here's a few personal suggestions, though they're all pretty terrible:

SANO - Heal. It already exists, but right now it doesn't seem to have a function (or at the very least, my tests had nothing happen). Likely intended to heal (as the name suggests), but perhaps it could heal in a radius of the ritual if a Spatio is nearby, or only to the person on the Ritual Anchor if there isn't one.
SANGUIS - Blood. Already exists, but has not-major-effects. Idea: Sanguis draws power from blood, or modifies an effect to involve blood in some way, dependent on it's placement location in the ritual. E.g. Sanguis next to Sano causes a person to regenerate blood in their body, while Sanguis next to Desicco (see below) will cause any nearby sources of blood (including people) to drain their blood into the Desicco, granting more energy!
BESTIA - Beast. Using Bestia could allow for the manipulation of Animals in some manner - maybe Bestia, Mutatio and Hominem could be used to create a Polymorph ritual?
POTENTIA - Power. Using Potentia would increase the focus of POWER, at the cost of efficiency! Or it would cause lightning. For example: Potentia + Aer = LIGHTNING BOLT! Potentia + Sano = SUPER-POWERED HEALING!
CONDITUM - Store/Storehouse. If used in a ritual alone, Conditum will store Power from a given ritual, and store it within a receptacle - anything that can store reagents - as a reagent.
DESICCO - Drain/Dry up completely. The inverse of Conditum, Desicco would cause reagents in containers placed atop the sigil to drain into the ritual, powering it. Different reagents have different levels of power in a ritual!
RETRO - Backwards. Retro will cause a ritual's effect, or an aspect within, to REVERSE! For example, Sano Retro will inverse the healing to damage - but it'll be less efficient, requiring more power to take effect.
APIS - BEES! Already exists, and has a few effects, but what's a few more? Apis + Element = ELEMENTAL BEE! Elemental Bees can attack using their given element! For example, Apis Ignis would have FIRE-BREATHING BEES, while Apis Terra has ROCK-STRONG BEES! Apis + Retro = BEE EGG! Apis + Retro + Element = ELEMENTAL BEE EGG! One final suggestion: Apis + Mutatio + Element + Bee floating over Apis = Mutating the Bee into an Elemental Bee! This would allow 'Child Bees' to become elemental monsters!
METALLUM - Metal. Applying Metallum could cause metal-like materials to form, modified based on symbols nearby. An example: Metallum alone = Mauxite/Steel. Metallum + Sanguis = BLOODMETAL! Metallum + Potentia = PHAROSIUM! Metallum + Retro = ROCK! So on, so forth.
COETUS - Group. Multiple people can chant Coetus at once, increasing the amount of power created from it. Possibly modify other sigils to be more... Group-Focused? Idunno.
DEUS - God. Incanting Deus would allow a Divine (admin) to grant extra power if they feel like it! If they don't, they can just cause the rune to fade, or maybe just explode you for annoying them.
Evoco Exalto Apis Terra!

this is the only ritual you will ever need to know
(04-25-2018, 01:31 AM)ProfessorHugedix Wrote: Evoco Exalto Apis Terra!

this is the only ritual you will ever need to know

Very much true. Rock Bees are best bees.
(04-25-2018, 01:29 AM)BlueHatCipher Wrote: Tested this two rounds in a row. It's absolutely wonderful, I love it - it's fun to try and find all the combinations, and it's hilarious when the screw-ups end up involving your accidentally sacrificing the captain to make bees. Here's a few personal suggestions, though they're all pretty terrible:


getting some serious Thaumcraft vibes from this, to anyone who's played modded minecraft in the past ever
(04-25-2018, 01:35 AM)cyberTripping Wrote:
(04-25-2018, 01:29 AM)BlueHatCipher Wrote: -snip-

getting some serious Thaumcraft vibes from this, to anyone who's played modded minecraft in the past ever

Yeah, same. It felt really fun to experiment (part of the draw for Thaum), so I came up with ideas that sounded cool, and eventually it gravitated towards that. The idea of a Chaplain using Sanguis Desicco Conditum to drain blood and store it as raw liquid magic for other reactions was partially based on it, as well as Ars Magica II.
Good stuff in here.

It'll be a few days until anything large happens since i want to generalize a few more things to allow for more interesting interactions.
I'd also like to implement another variable that isn't just "ritual power" but that'll take some rewriting.
Either way, i'll look into adding some of the ideas here.

Sano works as modifier for mutatio currently if you want a heal but i can see now that it should probably work on its own as well, that makes way more sense.
Sanguis works to generate power, put it down and bleed on it or put blood on it. But i'll expand it a bit.
Also, another thing I didn't think to say last night: 3x3 Rune Circles erase themselves post-incantation as intended, but 5x5 don't erase. That intentional, or an accident?
Couldn't replicate this issue. frown
(04-26-2018, 04:24 AM)Keelin Wrote: Couldn't replicate this issue. frown

It occured two rounds in a row when I first played with it, but last night it seems to have been resolved, in favor of a new issue - Sacrificum didn't work at all, and Sanguis didn't seem to absorb blood-puddles (or decals) from the floor - unless it's supposed to take blood from reagent receptacles.
Dumb question from the peanut gallery... When looking at sacrifices, does it weigh the power of the resulting spell on what is sacrificed? (Bee < monkey < human < wizard for example)
Possible gimmick idea - if the blood is used to help power a bee spell, and is type B+ or B-, could it have a stronger or lesser effect?

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