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How did you come up with your name?
How did you come up with your name? Was it a random one? Was it a reference? You tell me! I'll start.

When I first started SS13, I played with a random name, and picked some civilian jobs. My interest in the game petered out, until I returned. My only saved profile was a replica of Alex DeLarge, from "A Clockwork Orange", I made for Ass Day. I decided that I wanted to play as my own character, so I changed the x to a c, and picked the last name "Ryan" off the top of my head. Thus, Alec Ryan was born.

Oh, and uh, by admin request, you can put your username origins here too. I might as well do it, then. My first non-personal online name was "Jpaster", because I though the suffix "-ster" was cool. Later in life, when I realized people pronounced it "J-paster", I had the epiphany that my username sounded stupid. I then started to go by "InternetPerson" online, as it was very simple and self-explanatory. When I joined byond, "InternetPerson" was already taken, so I decided to pick the next best thing: "InternetDweller"
Why would you name yourself after that guy? o:

Roco Berry comes from Rocoberry, a k-indie duo.
I saw a post on r/WorldofTanks which had some variation of Dickson/Dixon Balls as the name for one of the tank crew. Thought it was funny and I didn't have any better names, so I decided to use it!

Sometimes I play Rig R Mortis on /tg/, which is a just another silly pun name.

I may like pun names a little too much (like Gabe Arr <3)
Originally I played as Frank Stein based on the Frankenstein. There was another Frank around, so I came up with Dan Dingo because I wanted something short and easy to type and have a penchant for alliterated names.

Lately, I've been playing under Granadillo Graves for a couple of reasons
  • There's another Dan running around
  • Realized Dan Dingo sounded like Mandingo and wanted to avoid that connotation
  • Wanted to give my character a different hair color since Dan's was black and I didn't like that it made their point arrows the same color, but felt like they needed a new name

As for where Granadillo Graves comes from, Graves is me jumping on that bandwagon. Granadillo comes from my job, where I see lots of different kinds of wood. Among the usual cedar, elm, or oak, you occasionally get an intresting sounding name like Cocobolo or Granadillo
I saw this.
No butts
No buttes
Noah Buttes
Elan Oots
Ella Oats
Too many other people were using John Johnson so I became Jack Jackson. I also am pretty sure I saw someone in discord mentorhelp also going by Jack Jackson so I may need to become David Davidson soon.
Take a wild guess what Owla Ree stands for.
I dont really play anymore and exclusively played on 1 when i did, but my character Bart Fargo was named after the protagonist of the same name from the incredibly shitty 1967 italian spy film "Danger!! Death Ray". The film was so agonizingly boring that not even MST3K could keep me interested, but the name stuck in my head long after.
Manne Love, me, was born in homage to Mick Foley. Mick, my favorite wrassler, had several personas. Primarily: Cactus Jack, Dude Love, and Mankind. Pretty easy to see where I went with that.

I didn't get my own pun until about a month later, at which point I ran with it.

Vitatroll is just something I made while drunk and tired, and really annoyed at the little box telling me that somebody claimed that name ten years ago. It's dumb and I dislike it, therefor it is perfect.
Irene: I was listening to Thomas Dolby - 17 Hills when I joined Goonstation for the first time.

Quote:Flaming hair and her name was Irene
The prettiest thief you ever seen
Robbed a store and she shot an armed guard
But mine was the face on the DVR

Mincine: The first last name I thought of was Mancini but I wanted to spell it differently because space. Rhymes with Minceeny, as shown when I play a clown (usually named Ireen Minceeny).
Adam was a common random name while Nehaldo was the last name of someone I had a personal dislike towards for a while.

I also used the name and a fake email to sign up for free currency on Aeria Games.

Fuck Aeria for the record.
My actual name is Nathan D(secret) and for lack of much else I made it that, but with the first last name starting with D I could think of. Hence Dunkleman, of course.

And KRAKEN is cause my username is NateTheSquid but I feel like me in AI form is far more fearsome than a squid, hence the legendary squid

edit: at gannets request, username too: my older brother called me shortsquid growing up (cause of rocket power) and natethesquid comes from when he bought a minecraft account for me and i think shortsquid was taken. i became natethesquid from then on
Please expand this thread to include username origins also, thanks much.

Hanna Strawberry grew outta Strawberry the Clown, following the grand tradition of food name clowns. Her whole deal was that she was supposed to be fun and friendly, so I figured a strawberry would be a good choice to embody that!

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