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Suicide Vests with a Remote Signaller
Instead of wiring up a bomb or beaker assembly, I'd like to be able to just set up a remote signaller so I can have TTVs or Canbombs or just fire-cracker chains of pipebombs detonate on my death.
Why not

Weird, this video works when I am previewing my post but not now. Lame!!!!!!!
There *might* be a roundabout way to accomplish this now with MechComp. Implant yourself with a med-implant, wire up some sort of thing to listen to PDA alerts and detect if your name is dead, output that to a signal thing, and have that signal thing transmit to your detpack. Easy peasy.

Your idea's better though, much more likely to result in these things actually being used.
This is a great simplification to something that should be less tedious and more commonplace. If turbonerds get angry at the simplification they can just hook their life to a nuke.

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