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Change to the roundstart printout
Instead of showing random people with a %chance of them being antagonist, it should list a few non-security crew who are guaranteed to not be an antagonist this round. So the heads of staff can know who they can trust.

It gives concrete, reliable information without screwing over someone that wants to be subtle/sneaky, or invest time in a gimmick starting at the 30 minute mark or something.

This is an AWESOME idea.
The only problem with this idea is that it makes it harder for antags to hide on lowpop, but considering that murder is much easier on lowpop that's not really a problem, since the antag in question could probably still go loud and be fine.
(02-17-2018, 06:34 PM)awfulworldkid Wrote: The only problem with this idea is that it makes it harder for antags to hide on lowpop, but considering that murder is much easier on lowpop that's not really a problem, since the antag in question could probably still go loud and be fine.

Scale it with round population, having it clear maybe 25% to 30% of the crew.
I'm honestly kinda shocked by how novel this idea is. It's still subject to the ling/mindslave-trust issues, but overall makes a useless in-joke thing useful.
"X is a new employee for you that we sent over recently. S/He's pretty top notch with the higher ups here and is well trusted by Nanotrasen Personnel. Make sure they know the ins and outs of your station and how things are run. They are considered VIP's for all purposes and situations."

Something like that?
(02-17-2018, 07:08 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: I'm honestly kinda shocked by how novel this idea is. It's still subject to the ling/mindslave-trust issues, but overall makes a useless in-joke thing useful.

Yeah that Sec idea thread  got some real gems in it real fast
i was like 'but this seems kind of overpowered' but then: one, scaling it with population well will make it alright, and two, no one checks the damn centcom papers anyway, even though they are generally a good way to guarantee a traitor from round start, if you're lucky. or rule out certain round types

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