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Populating the station z-level with spacefaring organisms
I've been thinking on this a bit, and I'm just going to throw this out here. There's not much to see on the station z-level other than the station itself and the listening post. There used to be a wizard ship but now that's on it's own z-level. This suggestion is basically about populating the empty space with the occasional space creature. I'm not entirely sure about these, but the suggestions are as follows:

Space fish: Various different kinds of space fish, usually clustered into schools that are sometimes protected by space carp. Preyed upon by space dolphins and space sharks. Each kind might have unique beneficial effects when killed and eaten. Possible option for animal respawns.

Space carp: Big space fish, usually protecting schools from predators. Benign unless you fish the schools under their protection or attack them directly, in contrast to how they work on other stations. It fights anything that comes too close, and is preyed upon by space sharks and space dolphins.

Space dolphin: Benign and fast space cetaceans that prey on space fish but are preyed upon by space sharks. Friendly unless provoked, unique interactions with spacemen if possible (such as being ridable as an alternative to pods, possibly nudging spaced crewmen they encounter back to the station, helping aspiring space fishers catch more fish if manually fed). Possible animal respawn option?

Space shark: Less frequent than other space creatures, preys upon everything that isn't it's own kind and bigger than itself.. Has a hunger meter of sorts that determines whether it will try to eat something or not, preying on creatures when hungry, and stopping for a 5-to-8 minute period when fed. Exposure to blood of any kind causes space sharks to ignore the hunger meter and attack+eat everything nearby for a short period.

Space megalodon: Extremely rare variant of space shark that only appears via random event or admin shenanigans as an NPC boss battle. Effectively a bigger (pod-size) reskin of a gibshark. Once it appears, it will attack and devour everything it comes across, up to and including miniputts and pods. Might give a unique meat when killed and butchered that provides permanent passive beneficial effects to the whoever eats it (either raw or cooked into a burger/steak by the chef) for the rest of the round, but I'm not sure about it.

Fermid: Already exists in the game, this just adds a uncommon or rare chance of small hives appearing in the asteroids at the edges of the station z-level. Attacks everything that enters their hive unless one of their number is fed manually by a spaceman, and is occasionally preyed upon by space dolphins and space sharks. Rare animal respawn option?

Fermid queen: Appears at the heart of the fermid hives. Might spawn more fermids if fed any kind of meat. Might.

This is about all I can think of at the moment. How good/bad are these ideas?
What if when the mining magnet resets, it just jettisons whatever it had in it's berth before into station level?

So when you pull in a new asteroid, it picks a random safe spot in space and plops the remnants there.
i was not a big fan of tgstation having carp randomly show up that crashed through windows and hunted me mercilessly when i had no weapons. if these carp would not do that then i'm cool with them

all in all these ideas seem very neat!
Dwarf Fortress has conditioned me to dislike anything carp related.
i think it should be possible to tame every one of these
(01-21-2018, 06:49 PM)Vitatroll Wrote: Dwarf Fortress has conditioned me to dislike anything carp related.

As these are fish that fly through space, they should obviously be Lungfish instead.

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