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Well, here's one i worked hard for, and I think you lot will enjoy playing around with and building off of it.

Prop 308
All players pick a country from this definitely accurate map made by cyberTripping. Players are strongly encouraged to roleplay a representative of this nation, as if the propositions and discussion are that of a United Nations council or similar. What this entails is left to player discretion.

Players may not choose a new country after making their initial choice unless another rule says otherwise. Players may not represent the same country.

This is more or less just a fun thing i thought up as a way to add some flavor and to provide an interesting rule to use as a baseline for other fun stuff. You should totally say yea on the merit of the effort i put into that map, though! Open to any suggestions or comments about unfilled loopholes to clean up before voting starts.
yea on 308, Cascadia

I also claim Nunavut.

"Greetings, members. I am Tarhalindur of Nunavut."
Yeah sure, im the mayor of Sucksburg, Carolina.
I happily vote Yea and claim Yukon. TARHALINDUR AND I ARE NEIGHBORS WHAT UP CHUM
Since people are apparently already picking, I'll have to go with Guangxi for that sweet warlord aesthetic.
points: awfulworldkid got -10 because it died with only warcrimes' nay vote

i got 308-291=17 points and the prop goes through

zewaka's turn
I claim my rightful punishment as Quantum Ultramayor of Quebec & Labrador
zewaka plz
Prop. 309

Each eligible voter is allowed to designate another user who can vote for them, who is designated as a 'proxy'. The designating eligible voter would be henceforth referred to as the 'principal' in regards to this agreement. This proxy designation can be revoked by the principal at any time.
I vote yea.
I vote yes.
I vote yea despite and arguably BECAUSE of the obvious abuse potential.
Yes please.
the vote is long sense dead you nerds anyways zewaka gets 309-291=18 points and the prop goes through, superlaggs turn

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