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Spacemas 2018 and Byond
This thread is for discussing how to best implement Spacemas going forward. How can we add a little bit of Holiday spirit to the game next year an without overtly disrupting rounds. 

I'll post my own ideas, and while anyone can add their thoughts to them, feel free to come up with a completely different system if you'd like.

Christmas Cheer

Cheer should be a metric that is easily added to or taken away in a way that's observable. I propose cheer be measured in decoration. Start Holiday rounds off with an amount of decoration put up throughout the station in various public and department areas. All together, it should be at around 50%

Cheer levels have a few effects. Higher cheer makes random presents draw a higher chance for rarer more useful items. Holiday themed foods and drinks heal more health. Lower cheer means higher chances for crappy presents and longer stuns on coal

Santa vs. Krampus

Rather than either spawning at different cheer levels, both start off on station... as special role borgs.

Both have similar, non-corruptable laws barring harm to the crew and station or each other, but each has their own law regarding increasing or decreasing cheer, with certain tools to help them.
  • They can add or destroy decorations respectively, as well as dispense tools to others to do the same.
  • They both get noise makers, Santa sleigh bells and Krampus cowbells tied to chains. The noise gets louder depending on cheer levels
  • Santa gets stickers that can be applied to crew to label them "naughty/nice". 
  • Santa gets canon that fires presents, Krampus lumps of coal that stun on hit people labeled naughty
Getting a full 100% or 0% cheer level applies a buff/nerf to people labeled naughty/nice that doesn't go away until it returns back to 50%
I like most of this idea.

Suggestion to amend the one thing I don't like: Krampus' coal only affects people labeled naughty by Santa.
I ended up editing that after considering that it might be more interesting having Krampus and Santa work somewhat together with Santa handing out the nice and naughty buffs and nerfs, Krampus doling out annoyances for the naughty crew

The naughty labeled crew then get the motivation to ruin Spacemas. Maybe also tie Grinch abilities to cheer levels as well, with them becoming strongest at 0% and dying from a heart attack at 100%
Replace Santa with a clowder of jinglecats and Krampus with a pack of santa buddies.

Also replace all the Buddies with dogs for March Madness.
Next year we're doing space hanukkah instead.
no kwanza?
why not just nothing. adult spacemen are too old and busy working to celebrate christmas

NanoTrasen Announcement: All holidays are hereby banned due to inciting lack of work and loss of resources.

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