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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
"Oh, yes. Good. Now, let's get the next one." Does it seem annoyed? "You can refer to him anyway you want I guess. I prefer "idiot" personally,"

"Next up, let's see...oh, so. In the event of a body discovery, what is the first thing that happens?"
"You proc a rand and pick someone to pin the whole thing on. Like what's her name. The bee lady."

Dan shifts her gaze to one of the dining chairs.

"Ain't that right?!"
Its eyes light up. "No, that's when I make the dead body announcement."

"Man, he sure are dumb, aren't you? Point lost!" Wait...was it playing for points?

"Anywho, next question. So, who is running the killing game?"
Large perks up- He knows this one.
"Syndicate, obviously. Why else are all the people here 'trasers?"
"Hmm...let me check the records...............according to all outside sources, the syndicate hasn't been sighted for some time in the immediate area. I'd say...for at least five years."

"I can't blame you for it though, it's not a bad guess."

"Man, I wanna say, but I like this feeling of having a hard to answer question...come on, I wanna hear some good guesses.
From the corner of the room Jonathon pops out and says its obviously the work of demons. has be been listening the entire time?
The fact that no one's answered the question yet seems to wake Marcy up some more.

"Uh... Macho Man Randy Savage?"

This is the longest deafening silence you've heard for some time.

"Sorry Dan, I guess you don't inherit the title of station idiot."

"Anyways, I suppose that I didn't give any of you a fair try on that last one, as there's no real way you could have known honestly, but that's what the announcement was for.  So, let's ask the simple questions.  It's obviously not me, cause this is clearly too well thought out and planned for something as random as an Ion Storm to be behind it, riiiiiight?  And all records show that only the fifteen of you have been on this craphole for the last some amount of earth years."

"I suppose what I'm spelling out here is of you fifteen is responsible for this game."

"Cue the dramatic music and people going nuts over the new information and what not.  Right?"

"As we speak, he's sitting here laughing at you, planning her next move to torture everyone here.  They've got one hell of a plan for everyone, and nobody's making sure you're getting out of it unscathed."

"Wait, that last use of people referring was wrong no matter how you cut it..."
"...he..." Dan mutters under her breath.

She slips a Pro-Puff into her mouth (holy water!) and lights it.

"Guess I don't have to choke-slam Mary into hell."

No that ain't right.

"Maggie? Maddie? Fuck what was your name?"

Dan blows smoke in Marcy's-

"Marcy, that's it! Yeah, figured you weren't the bad guy. Still suck though."

"So Borgo, got any plans for the guy in charge once he's done making you his pawn? I mean surely someone as intelligently brilliantastic as you can't enjoy one of us stuuuupid human morons making you his biiiiitch."
"Huh? Marcy isn't the mastermind? Well, I suppose with a 1 in 15 chance, you're probably right. But who's to say. Or are you not reading into my words? I used an equal number of gendered words for every possible side."

"Heck, I used one for an impossible one."

"You know what I think? The one doing all this probably would make themselves look as dumb as possible and hated by the very thing they were controlling. Wouldn't you think?"

"Still, I'd rather thank the boss. They've made it so I get to see something so entertaining. So what if they're pulling the strings, in the end I'm calling the shots around here."
Dan grins and winks at the robot, blowing smoke in Marcy's face.

"Cat's out of the bag then I guess. Yeah I organized the whole thing--you're welcome, you're welcome--but I thought I told you at the beginning to clone the dead. No fun if we run out of vvvvvictims."

"Okay, it's gonna be fun seeing the fallout from this one from the safety of my cameras. Toodles."

And with that bombshell, the borg wheeled off.
"The robot seemed to be talking to someone during the trial though, I assume that would be the organizer. Wasn't Dan at the trial?"
"Ever heard of stable mutagen? Quick dose of that and *anyone* would be me, even a frightened stowaway given the choice of wealth or death."

Dan sits down at the bar, kicks up her heels on a neighboring stool, and grins.

"I figured someone would find out sooner or later, secrecy doesn't change this game... much, but for it to be revealed by the robot. Tisk. Poor form!"

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