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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
"Uhh, alright. What even?"

Nathan decides to take a load off at the bar, given the bartender probably hasn't killed anyone
(11-10-2017, 12:14 AM)Hokie Wrote: Violet gives the tablet a few taps, pretty much just absent mindedly pressing around and messing with the map and rules menus.

OOC:You know what else would be great on the front page?

Disclaimer:The person running this is a little dumb and can't think farther than 5 minutes ahead.


(10-25-2017, 09:29 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: and probably the current ruleset too?


Disclaimer:The person running this is a little retarded and can't read.
Large jolts up, hearing the bar airlock open. From the flattened look of his portly face, you can pretty much tell he was asleep on the bar- How long has he been here? There are tools scattered around, and what seems to be a reagent scanner now securely fastened to the bar. 
He beckons to Nathan excitedly: 
"cheggit, aintah'poisonnen gonna do none in my bar'nomore eh? hah"
He slams a pitcher of amber fizzy fluid onto it. "Beer 109 units. Water 7 units. Space Fungus 4 units" 
"uhhh... heh'nah'shoulda warshshed er better heh, Yethirstey?"
"...Sure. Not a lot of people through here then?" Nathan takes a cautious sip, realizes he's tasted worse, and sips at it while he's having this conversation
"Neah yerth'first since pheebs' met th'beebs eh. Err'one's watchin's ther back's'what'm'thinkin yeah? "
he leans in close.
"y'wantsmnthn fer yer fence?"
He probably meant defense. Or landscaping. Equally likely.
(OOC: Are you actually typing that entire thing or are you using some sort of translater for drunkenness? Because if it's the former I feel bad for you.)
( OOC: Former. Which is why it's inconsistent as shit. The more patient I'm feeling, the more drunk Large Handsomes becomes. Read extra loud please )
"Sure, can't hurt"
Large thinks for a while. You swear you can smell something burning as he attempts to remember something- then he turns to the dispensers. After a few moments and a lot of broken glass, he returns with two small drinking glasses. He's chewing on a shard of glass. Ugh.  Each vessel is placed on the scanner in turn. 

"Hunchback, 40 units. " 
"Port, 20 units. Coffee, 20 units." 

"Ah'coul'nt reco... uh, mend ya drinkin's'em at both'a'once. Oh! an' uh, watchit'fer windows yeah"
A pleasant...unpleasant by this point, noise plays over the intercom, and the nearby tv turns on.

"Hello, my wonderful little crew. How's life? Swell? Swell, that's nice. Uh...let's see, on today's agenda...what was I doing this for again?..."

"Oh, uh yeah. I've got a big announcement. Game changing even. It could change everything about the game so far. And I know, it seems a little odd to throw this out after just the first, but..."

"Well, anyways, this is too big to announce, so let's talk in person. Most of you already seem gathered, so just meet me at the bar in five. Or maybe less, depending on how I feel. Until then!"

And with that, the tv switched off.
Large scrambles to clean up the horrid mess he's made of his workspace lest the tin can asshole ban that too.
The glassware recycler churns out new pitchers and glassware, and in a matter of minutes the bar is lined with fresh pitchers of beer and a row of frosted cups.
Wait those aren't frosted. How the hell are they already dirty?
Violet grumbles slightly as she shoves her tablet into her pocket and hurries to the bar.
Dan saunters into the Bar and whips one of the pitchers of beer at the door.

"Shit. Reflex."
"Huh...this is all we've got?, do I not just give the presence a good commander gives?  Well, if the rest of them don't care, it can't be THAT important to them.  Oh well."

The cyborg wheeled out from the detective office, giving the bar dwellers that much redundancy in their lives.  

"So, it's time to play a quiz game, eh?  Let's test your memory.  Soundsgoodyeahokaysoundsgood.  So let's get started then."

"Question one.  Let's start off with an easy one.  Who's the station idiot?"  It seemed to lean in intently listening for answers.
A drowsy Marcy stumbles into the bar, bedhead and all. She doesn't seem to of slept easy since the trial, or maybe she's just tired and trying to sleep in as much as she can.

She just barely arrives in time to hear a question without context, and mutters "the guy who hacked a door after being told not to, I guess."

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