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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
"I work in the Public Garden, if anyone knows it then that someone is me. Irene didn't head there at all, but I'll double check things and see if something suspicious is there."

Phoebe Buzz heads to the Public Garden.
ooc: oops didn't check what i missed before posting
"Pretty much everyone has at least passed through the bar, so anyone could be involved in it. I didn't see Irene go near the public gardens though. Someone else might have."

"As for what we do once we figure this out, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. For now...someone keep an eye on the bartender..."

"I've got something I need to do..."

With that, Adam went off in a direction from everyone else.
Erik bursts into the bar just before the captain steps out, shouting at the top of his lungs and clearly winded, "WHAT DID YOU PEOPLE DO?! YOU CANT LET THE ROBOT GET TO YOU YOULL HAVE US ALL KILLED BY THEN END OF THIS!"

He then leaves off in a sprint towards the corpses to try and determine a cause of death.
What? A body? In the Gym?

What the fuck is going on here...

Harper finishes collecting her equipment, then departs to go investigate the scene, feeling apprehensive.
One sprint down the hall later, and Marcy has arrived at the scene of the crime- the Gym. She seems intrigued.

"Irene was the cold one who always sat in the corner, right? The one that was always drinking?" She takes notice of the autopsy files the cyborg left behind and gives one a quick read and subsequently concludes...

"Aha! Internal organs were damaged, so the murder weapon was a magic bullet! So the culprit had access to a gun!"

This is going to be a long investigation for everyone near her.
Large Handsomes returns with a reagent scanner and gloves.
He is wearing a Cake Hat.
"Thi'should tellus if sh'been poisonned er nah"
He wails the corpse in the chest with the scanner. Ew.
(( OOC: Oh Dear Dungeon Master what do I see on the readout? ))
(10-22-2017, 08:16 AM)cgrn10 Wrote: Erik bursts into the bar just before the captain steps out, shouting at the top of his lungs and clearly winded, "WHAT DID YOU PEOPLE DO?! YOU CANT LET THE ROBOT GET TO YOU YOULL HAVE US ALL KILLED BY THEN END OF THIS!"

He then leaves off in a sprint towards the corpses to try and determine a cause of death.

(10-22-2017, 08:28 AM)amaranthineApocalypse Wrote: What? A body? In the bar?

What the fuck is going on here...

Harper finishes collecting her equipment, then departs to go investigate the scene, feeling apprehensive.
The Cyborg looked particularly annoyed.  "Unbelievable.  I put so much effort into programming those things.  The least you can do is read them properly."

Quote:The victim was discovered at the Gym.
"Maybe I passed off the Station Idiot title too soon..."

(10-22-2017, 09:27 AM)John Warcrimes Wrote: Large Handsomes returns with a reagent scanner and gloves.
He is wearing a Cake Hat.
"Thi'should tellus if sh'been poisonned er nah"
He wails the corpse in the chest with the scanner. Ew.
(( OOC: Oh Dear Dungeon Master what do I see on the readout? ))

The scanner checks Irene's body.  The scanner shows:
86% blood.
12% Foreign Substances.
2% Metal
Furthermore, the Foreign Substance appears most concentrated in her stomach.
It's likely she had more before her death.
"Well that was fast," said Dan the instant she heard someone had died.

Wait. Oh boy. *This* whole situation! Guess they weren't kidding about the murder games, and already people are dying.

Looks like this crew needs help! And there's only one gal that can be that help!

Dan boots open the door to her quarters, bolts to the coffee vendor, and buys a bottle of Happy Elf and three cups of coffee. As the machine pours the drinks, like a flash, she's already dispensed herself a pack of Pro-Puffs, lighting a Mannitol cigarette in her mouth with the broken match she used the day before. Drinks are ready, and they're on the table in one swift movement. The hot chocolate is divided amongst the cups of coffee, and once empty, the bottle finds itself in her pocket.

Then she sits down at the lunch table and calmly waits for her coffee to cool. She blows on the coffee, then gives each of the cups a gentle stir with a spoon. She stretches, yawns, and sits there pondering the nature of morning in space.
Harper looks incredibly confused, seeing as she is in fact in the gym, that is always where she was going and never anywhere else. Bar? What's that? Never heard of it.

"Why is there a dead body, why is the robot sassing me and who the hell are you people?!"
"I like your sass, craptain bot."

Nathan will then head to the gym and investigate, as he'd already been headed there before the announcement.
Marcy nosily peers over Large's shoulder.

"See? 2% metal! My magic bullet theory is on the mark!"
"Two percent metal with no external injuries?"
"Sounds like somebody fed her something toxic to me."
"Radium perhaps?"

Harpers eyes aren't focused, the absurdity of the situation having detached her from reality momentarily
Character Name: Elan Oats
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: A little shorter than average
Weight: About average
Job: Atmos Tech, somehow.
Strength: A naturally gregarious person
Weakness: Easily distracted
Number: 14
"whellsh' if this dumb thing caaaaan't *hic* tell'us Wha's'in'er, gotta gitter-oot right?"
Large points at Harper
"mayb'me if we'd jump'onner we gits some'ovvit outta'er stomach, yeah?"
He stands up and places a boot on the corpse's abdomen and gives a tentative squeeze, cautiously looking for vomit.
He seems fairly confident this doesn't count as mutilation or anything, at least under space law.

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