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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
Irene traveled to the gym about an hour ago. and is running through an extensive exercise routine. She's down to a pair of sad grey sweatpants and a tanktop. She is currently sprinting on a treadmill.
i try and set up personal account on one of the computers under the name "tribalGourmand" set to unlock to either my id card or a password lock, then i will create a text inventory of the kitchen and create a backup on a diskette i will stuff in my bag
Snapping back to alertness, Large Handsomes attempts to drag Adam to the bar by the cuff of his uniform, mumbling about 'a key for every door' and visibly straining to keep a single train of thought long enough to navigate a straight hallway.
Irene Marcy, meanwhile, has made her way to the Game Room. While her original plan was to kill time playing arcade games, she's now taken notice of the capsule machine.

She fiddles with the knob a little to see if she can get a prize while remaining completely broke.
"Oh, hello. I see I'm not the only one who rushed for the games room then." Nathan says to Marcy when he sees her enter
"Eep!" That's about the highest Marcy will jump without moon shoes.

"Oh! Nathan! Hi! Y-yeah, there isn't really anything else to do so I came here to kill time until we get some instructions on what to do. You here for the same reason?"

She continues to fiddle with the capsule machine as she speaks.
"I'm just gonna play games until the instructions SPECIFICALLY say not to." He then turns around back to the arcade machine
"Hm?  You need something?  Out with it then."

Adam was prepared for a few things.

This wasn't one of them.

"OH JESUS FUCK, What the hell!?!  Let go of me this instant!"

Adam struggled to get his arm free.


Adam manages to break free from the large man...and something else in the process.

He lets out a not quite feminine but not quite masculine either scream.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?  Do you know how much this outfit costs?  We get back alive, I'm going to..."

He said it.  Get back alive.  He's giving into the delusion the robot is creating.

This isn't happening.  Not today.

"Ahem...WHEN we get back, I'm going to make sure YOUR credits go into it."

"What the hell is so damn important that you have to tear my uniform apart?"
Phoebe ignores everyone else and just works on her plants
"Fair enough. I doubt the cyborg cares about us doing anything as long as it's not a direct threat to it, though, so you're gonna be playing Galaga for a while~."
Dan, in a daze, wanders into the arcade, fiddling with a book of matches to light the Pro-Puff in her mouth.

"Oh. Hey. Mary. Graytide."


"How's life?"
"Jam packed with gamers, apparently. Arcade seems to be a popular place right now"
A soft pleasant dinging noise can be heard throughout the station.  Shortly afterwards, a tv in the room could be heard.

"Hello crew.  This is your captain speaking.  You all are getting along so well.  Friendship truly is blooming on the station, don't you think?  And let me tell you what I think."

"After all the effort I put into this shindig, you're all pissing me off!  I don't even see anyone trying to hide away a weapon.  I mean, come oooonnnn.  I even went out of my way to point out something in the gym and no one even took my advice.  So I've been thinking "Hey best captain ever, why aren't they doing what they were ordered to?" and I realized it."

"None of you have a real motive, do you?"

"I mean, enough money to never need to work and freedom isn't really enough, is it?  I mean, I thought it would be, but I guess you're all a bunch of goody little two shoes aren't you?  So, here's a nice little motive for all of you."

In the background is an overlay screen and a projector.

"So, here's what's gonna happen.  I'm gonna have a nice little surprise for the first person to get in on this!"  The overlay starts displaying a question mark.  "What could it be?  What sorts of untold amazingness could I be holding out on you little shits?"

"Well, I guess you'll just have to act to see, won't you?  Ah ha ha ha ha!"

The tvs turn off shortly after this.

A few people haven't done anything at all yet, so I'm opening the thread to new replacement characters because I think we have barely enough people if everyone participates.
Mr Handsomes pauses to contemplate the message.
"Nah. Still not worth it."
He turns back to Adam
"I know how to sew. You don't know how to follow, though. Lets go, if you want to get out of here without killing anyone. Trust me, it's nowhere near as fun as they say."
He continues toward the bar ahead of you, whether you follow or not.
Hopping over the bar table and shattering some glassware, he burries his head in the dispensers.
"Huh. ...Nathan, Dan, does that seem interesting to you guys at all or no?"

Marcy stops fiddling with the capsule machine to look back at her cohorts and ponder what the secret prize could even be. Something about the unknown was more alluring than the guaranteed, she'd have to admit.

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