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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
With the announcement, everyone went their separate ways.  Despite everyone's wanton to work together, the thought always lingered.  Was someone taking the borg seriously?  Would someone kill to get out of here?

And how did the cyborg end up the way it did in the first place?

Such questions lingered on everyone's mind, as they prepared for the next day.

---End of prologue---

Hey everyone.  Good work on getting this far.  Time for some updates.

First off, let's learn about the new rooms.  Captain Cyborg will fill in with his commentary.


Arrivals Area
There's not much outside the hallways here.  There's a small security room which appears to be unreachable.  The maintenance here looks like it can house a couple pods.  True to the cyborg's word however, there doesn't seem to be any here.
Man, this place is total snoozeville.  There's barely anything out here you could use.  Like what, is someone gonna stand there as you bash their head into that table?  Actually, as fun as that might be, don't do that.  It gives me more work, and I don't feel like fixing it.

A hall goes through this area.  It's kind of cramped, but there's enough room to fit a table and a few chairs, roughly enough space to play a card game.  Along the hallway are several doors with a name of one of the residents.
You're free to keep anything you want in your bedroom if you can get your hands on it.  I won't judge.  A sewing kit.  A tool box.  A dart board with a picture of someone you hate.  Or someone you hate as a dartboard.  I won't care.

Net Cafe
Several rows of tables line this room, each with a few state of the art computers.  There's also a small radio going towards (what should be) the AI upload, though you doubt the AI cares at this point.
They say computers are useful for all sorts of things, but why would you want a dumb little box when you have aborable ol me?  No stupid box could replace me!  Just looking at these things is pissing me off!

There's several seats lined up in here along with a desk with a radio on here.  Brings up half decent memories when you didn't know about the situation.  Good times.
Ya know, I always wondered if something greater created the universe.  But then I realized nothing could be greater than me.  So if something created this universe, what could I create?  The possibilities are truely endless...

Medical Office
This small area has several basic medicine recipies inside of it.  It seems the office was made with minor injuries in mind.
They say the difference in medicine and poison is often the dose.  You ever wonder what happens when you fill someone with Epinipherine?  ...he he he...he he ha ha ha Ha Ha HA HA HA HA!!

Bar and Diner
The place seems like the perfect area to commune and talk with others.  There's plenty of room to enjoy the food and long as you forget about what's happening.
I once read a book on finding and using improvised weapons effectively?  A surprising amount of things you use to jam things in your disgusting mouth can be used for much better things.  Like jamming someone's eye in THEIR mouth.

Laundry Room (Day Only)
This small room seems to have just enough space to do a weeks worth of laundry in a short period of time.  Strings and clothing pins can be seem already hanging from the ceiling.
Bah.  This room is so useless.  Who needs clothing anyways?  As your captain, I demand you follow my example and ditch that unneccesary outer skin in the nearest garbage chute.  Birthday suits are better.

Cleaning Supply Storage (Day Only)
The objects stored in this room are specifically designed to make the station look nicer.  The variety of cleaning supplies is astounding.
Cleaning grenades?  Oh, come ON!  How can you take such an amazing concept and wussify it so much?  I mean, what the actual hell?  I'll take fire over cleaning anyday.  Besides, fire does a better cleaning job anyways.

Sauna (Day Only)
There's not much in this wooden room.  Just a tube that presumably gives off heat, a bench, and a small bucket of water.  It's so bare that it seems to lack the camera literally every other room seems to have.
Man, I sure hope nobody blocks that door out off while someone leaves.  I mean, that would totally be bad.....................WELL SORRY FOR HELPING!  Ya jerk.

Pool (Day Only)
The pool room has, along with its namesake, several floatation devices, a few diving boards, even a tanning bed.  There's several no running signs around the room as well.
The tanning bed has a safety feature that pops its target out after a few minutes.  I've been trying to remove it for a while, but it just won't become undone.  Whatever shit put it in did a damn good job.

Shower (Day Only)
The shower appears to be split between gender.  Of particular note is the...gatling gun aiming right at the door.  That's...disturbing.  The showers themselves seem pretty normal for the most part, though it still has the cameras.
I added the security for the showers.  You have to scan your Handbook before it'll let you in, and if it detects more than one person...well, let's just say a pervert will know what it's like to be Swiss Cheese.  He he he...

Gym (Day Only)
The gym has several machines in it with the purpose of working out on them or with them.  There's also the northernmost part of the gym, which is completely empty save for the markings on the floor.
I remember when we first met and I introduced the killing game to you guys.  Like it was yesterday.  Even though it basically just happened.  Good time, ol pal.  Good times.

Food Storage (Day Only)
As the name implies, a large amount of food related items are in here.  Everything from seeds to non-perishables to canned items are stored in here, mainly in cardboard boxes.  There also seems to be a few basic food processing items in here.
I don't understand how you people do these things.  Like "Grow" things, or "Eat" things.  Like...what's up with that?  Why not go a week or two without doing those things?  I'd imagine it gets boring doing them everyday.

Kitchen (Day Only)
The kitchen has several devices within for assistance with food preperation.  Any tool you could think of can be found in here. may be a good idea to keep a strict inventory on everything that's in here.
The kitchen is one of my favorite places.  Look over there!  Knives.  And look over there!  Ovens.  And what about there! Utensils.  The amount of things for murder are practically endless in here!

Barber (Day Only)
The barber area seems to not have a lot going for it outside of the bare essentials.  A barber chair, scissors, a razor, and bottles containing the latest hair growth serum.  It's not much, but it gets the job done I guess.
You ever wonder just how much you put your life in someone else's hands every time you get a haircut?  They practically strap you down, no telling what they could do with your neck "Trimming the beard".  Huh?  Why am I bringing this up?  No reason...he he he...

Arcade (Day Only)
The arcade has a large number of machines to play on.  In particular are the VR beds, which allow people to participate in various games in real time.  It's like you're actually there!
Video games have to be the worst invention mankind has ever created.  All you do is sit there and pushing buttons in response to lights flashing in a specific pattern.  God, talk about dull.  Don't know how you can put up with it.  And don't get me started on those "Forum game" losers.

Game Room (Day Only)
A table, several chairs, and a few shelfs filled with several board games reside in this room.  Perfect for unwinding after a long day of work with friends.  Has a good selection for its size, all things considered.
I take it back.  Board games are the worst.  Roll small white object with dots, move blue peice 10 meters in direction, draw card that tells you you suck.  Good god, just give me a knife so I can kill myself thank you.

Security Room (Off Limits)
Despite being unable to enter it, you can make out everything in the security room.  All that's really in there is a computer and a presumably locked closet.
No no no.  This place is off limits.  What would happen if you went in there and shot yourself with a tazer?  Not only would that not even cause death, it'd be a waste of energy.  Your captain wants you to save that for real things, like doing the thing.  You know.  Killing.


Second, at this point, everyone will get a PM saying whether they're a citizen or the mastermind.  So keep an eye for that.

Finally, every week on monday (Like right now for me), someone will be sent a PM saying they're the killer for the week.  It'll have easy instructions to follow. If you don't want to be the killer for the week, send me a PM you'd like to pass. Please keep in mind that you can only do this once in the entire game. It's meant to make sure that anyone who might want to see an example of how the game goes can get a good idea of it.  Someone will get a victim PM as well at some point.  If you don't get a PM from me saying you're a victim, avoid any other contacts about the game. Also, a few people didn't do anything yet, so I'll be giving the killer 24 Hours to follow the first step.

All right, I think that about does it.  Let's start up again.

Quick Note:Wonkmin, I need another way to privately contact you for the game. Please let me know ASAP. Thank you.
Guess it's time to sleep. Video games first thing in the morning!
Everyone's woken up by an announcement from the cyborg, saying to get up.  A short time before the meeting, an annoying noise had blared from the Handbook.  Apparently, there was a new rule added.

9.No hacking into doors anymore.  I wouldn't have to make a rule if you would listen the first five damn times.

"About that..."

Everyone willing to show up to the meeting was there in the chapel, listening to the captain...well, Adam...speak about it.

"I had somebody try to hack into where the AI Upload is.  But every time we made progress, the cyborg came up and stole the tools.  The only reason we stopped was cause it threatened to hurt somebody, and now that frustrating rule is in place."

"So I suppose the first thing we should do is come up with some ideas for the day.  We'll need someone to make food and someone to maintain things.  I think we can go from there."
Nathan just runs straight from his room to the arcade and starts playing some Galaga
Irene huffs. She's standing in the corner again. "I can't even get into my office! I'm supposed to be able to... y'know... securitize you all. Enforce the law and rules. Well, I mean, now we have some- I can't even hack in there anymore." She juet continues on the angry, tired tirade. Of note is the snazzy blue jumpsuit and Earth style police cap she's wearing.
I head through the allowed Maintenance to find seeds, any I find I plant into the Botany Trays below the Chapel.
the chef starts speaking
"well i'll get to making us food but i need to establish some rules first. one don't steal from the kitchen or you won't receive food just goddamm ask permission first. two don't enter the kitchen without me in it i don't want someone messing with my equipment. third i'm gonna notice if you turned someone into lunchmeat having a bit of a history of a cannibal myself so don't try and pull a soylent green. fourth even if you do number 3 don't cook dan kelly we all know she probably tastes worse than when discount dan toke monosodium glutamate out of his food"
with that he pulls out a cigarette lights it in his mouth and goes of towards the kitchen to make burgers and donk pockets
"On the bright side, if no one can hack doors any more then there's no way for people to break into our rooms at night."

Unlike the others in the Chapel, Marcy wasn't bothered by the new rule much.

"...Adam, you said you had 'somebody' attempt to hack the door though. I'm curious, who was it~?"
"I'm gonna agree with Lorenzo for the most of what he said..." Why would we be turning people into food? ...No, it's better I don't ask..."I believe the first thing we should do is take inventory of everything potentially dangerous. If someone's actually taking that robot seriously, it would be in our best interest to set up some preventative measures."

Adam listens in as various people take up work when Marcy asks about his earlier activities...who was it again?

I don't think they'd be happy if, if we're gonna do this trust thing, it's better to confront it now.

"I've...gotta be honest about this. You all pretty much look the same to me...outside of a quirk here or there, it's difficult for me to tell the difference."

"However, I think we can get over this particular hurdle if we keep talking to each other. I'll remember eventually, miss.........uh..."

He quickly looks at a piece of paper.


He gives out a cheerful smile, completely unaware of the mistake he just made.

"In fact, I think we can consider this as everyone being equal as far as I'm concerned."

Spinning negatives into positives are those things good leaders do, right?
"Well, next time you try to uh- enter places against the Robots' wishes, don't try to hurt yourself too much. There's a distinct lack of anything useful in this medbay in event of emergency. All serious accidents would probably lead to death, sorry to say it. Not much bandaids can do to fix a cracked skull."

That chef is a FUCKED up guy. I think to myself.
I head towards the chapel to collect some candles.
'no hackin' eh? 
what a green bunch. I didn't break into this prison just to stay. 
An unrecognizably sober Mr. Handsomes approaches Adam. 
"You know the beauty of synthetic authorities, Mister Captain-of-everywhere-but-the-bar?" 
He leans in just enough to make everyone uncomfortable, and ... falls asleep? what?
Great, is everybody else just a nutjob?  The sane people can be counted on a single hand.

"All right, I'm putting a stop to this thinking right now.  We're not being ruled over by a robot.  It just thinks it has control over us."


"Did someone say something that was factually wrong just now?"

Cyborg 3377247 came rolling in almost immediately.

"Oh, it was just the station idiot.  Don't mind what he says.  He's contractually obligated to state things that are clearly not true.  He he he."

"But I must say, there are a surprising number of downer faces in here.  Come on, give me a big ol smile for your captain.  You must be happy to see me."  He points towards his face, in an effort to express his non-existent mouth.

No one seems happy.

"Fine, I got better things to do.  But remember.  I'm always watching you <3."

He wheels out almost as quickly as he came in.


...the day I admit that...thing...has power over me is the day I jump into the crusher.

"So I guess we gotta deal with that now too..."
after lorenzo makes the food and inventories the kitchen he will head off to the network cafe and try to see what's on the network not even trying to be stealthy about it.
Going onto the computer in the net cafe yields a pretty bare start-up screen. Looks like it wasn't really used before it was installed.

Attempts to connect onto the network results in repeated failures.

"Don't you just hate it when the boxes dont work right?"


"These things haven't been working for some reason. Couldn't tell you why."

It's not even hiding the fact that it's holding a cut ethernet cord.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it's got some games you things like to enjoy so much."

He scrolls down to the games section. All you can see is solitaire, minesweeper, and Tic-Tac-Toe.

"That last one is advanced enough to play with a whole other person on the same computer."

"You should thank me for enriching your life. Programming those games ain't easy you know."

The cyborg rolls outside. Seems it has something better to do.

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