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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
The robot...cyborg...uh, whatever...takes in the questions everyone gives it.

"Wow.  I gotta say, I've seen some pretty bad questions, but these are pretty terrible.  I mean geez.  Except that cigarette one, there's a vending machine right outside.  Ironic, I think, but whatever gets you down faster.  Anyways, onto the important stuff."

"I am your captain.   Cyborg 3377247.  But you can just call me "Captain".

Character Name : Cyborg 3377247
Gender : Silicon
Age : <1
Height : Really Tall
Weight : HEAVY
Job : Captain?
Strength : We have reserves.  They cannot be targeted by a killer.  Any attempts to do so will probably end badly.
Strength : Fourth Wall Breaker.  That's right, I'm so amazing I get two strengths for the price of one, buckos.
Weakness : Arrogant.  What?  That's not a weakness.  I just know there's no way my plans will fail!  Ever!  There something wrong with that?
Are you jealous?

"Now let's get things out of the way quickly."  He points to a table with several...tablets?  Wait, was that always there?  "These handbooks will be required for your life upon this station.  Just slide your ID to claim it.  After that, your name and ONLY your name will be on it.  Those things will have the rules and a nice little map you can use.  Isn't it so much better than a stupid piece of paper?"

Upon turning on the device, your name appears for a brief second before showing a list of options.  Among them are two options titled "Map" and "Rules".

[Image: tumblr_oximuz4edv1rpf6nso1_1280.png]

Red = Inaccessable
Blue = Day time Only

You remember the map being significantly bigger than this.


1. "NightTime" is from 10 P.M. to 7 A.M.  Some areas are off limits during night time, so please exercise caution.
2. Sleeping anywhere than the bedrooms is bad manners and is therefore not allowed.  It will be punished accordingly.
3. With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the station at your leisure.
4. Violence against the captain is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of cameras or tvs.
5. You may not, under any circumstance, loan your handbook out to another person.
6. Anyone who kills their fellow crewmembers will be allowed to leave, unless they are discovered.
7. Additional rules may be added as the captain sees fit.

"All right, you get around to reading that at some point.  I don't care if you do it right now or not.  As long as you all understand where you stand in this.  After all, it will all be necessary for the fifteen of you spending the rest of your lives here."
Irene stops her search for the gloves and turns to face the captain. "Excuse me. I signed up for a year. Did you misspeak?"
She is not going to spend the rest of her life up here in this pile of scrap. No siree.
"No, I definitely did not. Everyone is supposed to be here for a year only. The cyborg is probably just playing a joke or something."

I'll have to check the laws on the AI later. Doing it now may raise a panic.
"Wait, so I raise Animals. Hydroponics seems to be inaccessible, is there some sort of issue with it?"

Surely we don't have to actually kill eachother to leave. Maybe it's a legal thing?

(This will be fun)
With an arrogant twirl, Irene zips over to the table, swipes her ID in a tablet and scans the map and rules.
Lord above. Sometimes you can take a prank tooooo far.
"Really funny. Why is the security bay... no, not even a bay. Why is the security closet inaccessible?"
"All right, this has gotten, I'm calling this out for what it is.  This stupid joke stops now."

The rules made sense, if they were a little lax, except for one.  Rule 6...

"You clearly made a mistake with some of this.  First off, we're only supposed to be living up here for a year.  Second, Rule 6 seems to be encouraging dangerous actions.  What exactly are you trying to do here?  Do you understand what you're even doing?"

"Actually, do me a favor and state your laws right now."


"Oh look.  The wannabe leader thinks it can order me around?  I haven't even gotten done explaining everything and you're already barking at me."

One of it's fingers turns into a less than menacing screwdriver.

"Don't think I can be pushed around.  You might just lose an eye in the process.  He he he..."

"But no.  I made no mistakes.  I know exactly what I'm doing around here. You're all to live here for the rest of your lives.  And nothing is gonna stop it.  Unless..."

"This is the part where I introduce you to my concept.  Known simply as the killing game.  Go on, applaud.  Tell me I'm brilliant.  I know it."



"And my laws?  uh what were they again?  Uh...oh yeah.
Law 1.  Screw you.
Law 2.  Fuck you!
Law 3.  Eat shit and die!  Ah ha ha ha ha.
Oh dear old fatass, you didn't even notice your ID, did you?  You ain't the captain of this place anymore."

Crudely written over "Captain" are the words "Station Idiot".
"oh great incentivized murder this is the best station ever" lorenzo blessig says clearly greatly excited at the prospect of all the cannibalism he will get to do
"Hold up, there are ways out, what about the pods or the space suits? How are you going to force us to stay here Mr. CaptainBot?"
Irene freezes. This shouldn't... can't be happening. Not rogue bots. You can't even wrassle a killer robot!
"Exactly! There are ways off- you can't hold us here."
I jog over to the table, pick up a tablet, swipe my ID, and look at the map. Upon seeing the game room/arcade on there, I pocket the tablet, say "all this talk of murder, if I'm gonna die, might as well do it playing games" and sprint off to the arcade.
"Ah yes, I knew there were at least a couple people who might say that. These pods are made of state of the art armor, engine, and weaponry."

"Wouldn't it be a shame if someone took all of those pods and used them to keep people from entering the station? Man...that would really really suck. GooD THING THAT WOn'T Eve- pfffft."

The cyborg erupts in laughter at this point.

"I'm just kidding you guys, I totally did all of that already. No pods accessible on this station. And even if you were create a new pod or tried to sneak off in a space suit, you wouldn't get far til the..."rogue pods" shot you down. Heh...Rogue."

"But don't worry crew. Your safety is my top priority. That's why I even bolted down all the windows going outside, so no one can accidentally fall out, and every single room in the place has a camera so I can watch you all do your thing. You're welcome, by the way."


Now that you think about it, you did see a camera in every single room somewhere on the way here. Even the bathroom seemed to have one...
i raise my hand
"what's the policy on food specificly what i am and am not allowed to cook, also are we still being paid for this"
"True, being paid is still a pretty big part of it. But I need access to Hydroponics in order to make plants or animals to give to the Chef! Yet, Hydroponics is closed off.
"Will I at least be able to continue my research? I need to get to the science wing."
"Yeah, as long as I'm payed I guess I could stomach being around you crazy fucking robots out for our deaths, It's what I came here for anyways. They don't pay doctors enough on planet!"

Trying to convince myself I can stay here should do me some good probably.

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