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Let Ghosts Boo
Give player ghosts a power on a minute long cooldown. When used, the ghost appears nameless and corporeal for a second to yell BOO, making people in one tile range scream. Spooky!
I only against this because I think ghosts should have no interactions with the living at all. This already is pushed to the limits imo. With chair spinning and being able to fart on the AI. The dead should stay dead and not be able to interact with the living.
Jesus Ed, when did dying become such a crime?
I like it!
neat idea with no downsides. anyone whos (as always) yelling about meta, worst case, it's just as bad as spinning a chair for yes or no, but with a minute cooldown.

"scream if you were murdered"

Yes, but it should also check if the tile is being lit and only work in dark areas
The only edge case I can think of is "what if a ghost BOOs a person trying to sneak", but unless you're right next to the person screaming I doubt it would be an issue blowing their cover.

(10-06-2017, 10:35 AM)Ed Venture Wrote: I only against this because I think ghosts should have no interactions with the living at all. This already is pushed to the limits imo. With chair spinning and being able to fart on the AI. The dead should stay dead and not be able to interact with the living.

soulsteel would like to have a word with u
This seems excessively silly and will get old really quickly. Having to react/ignore these poltergeist activities every shift is going to be an exercise in tedium. Spoopy happenings are always fun on station, but not when every dead ghost can do it every single shift.

You don't even need to think far to imagine scenarios where this kind of ability could affect the round significantly.
Only during October.
Make it so ghosts can do it only once, then they drop ectoplasm and turn into those outline ghosts that you see when someone shoots them with a Ghostbusters gun
During halloween events yeah.
(10-07-2017, 05:44 AM)Zafhset Wrote: This seems excessively silly and will get old really quickly. Having to react/ignore these poltergeist activities every shift is going to be an exercise in tedium. Spoopy happenings are always fun on station, but not when every dead ghost can do it every single shift.

You don't even need to think far to imagine scenarios where this kind of ability could affect the round significantly.

Soulsteel items can drive buffers, hit people and break windows. A shitty ghost drone that's breaking the rules can depressurize an entire area. I think we can have some faith in people to be civil/follow rules about things jesus christ. Remember not to add new funny things or people will use them and it'll get old!!
Maybe something should be given the chance to get old before we say no? I mean look at paint that got old fast now barely anyone uses it. I'm still against this being a thing but this logic of "It'll get old fast so lets not even give it a chance" is so flawed its not funny.
You don't see me mocking what you say with last-sentence sarcasms, do you? That's crude.

You don't see soulsteel every shift because A) not everyone knows about them and B) it's not something that is naturally available to ghosts immediately, which balances it out as the occassional appearance. Drones are physical and aren't nearly as omnipotent as ghosts in their ability to follow people (seeing people as humans, etc).

You gotta play the devil's advocate a bit and consider the worst that can happen here, especially if it's an implementation that is easily available every shift. I'd rather see an idea go through sufficient scrutiny during discussion than see people get their rounds affected negatively for days on end because it was carelessly implemented.
(10-07-2017, 07:14 PM)Zafhset Wrote: You don't see me mocking what you say with last-sentence sarcasms, do you? That's crude.

You don't see soulsteel every shift because A) not everyone knows about them and B) it's not something that is naturally available to ghosts immediately, which balances it out as the occassional appearance. Drones are physical and aren't nearly as omnipotent as ghosts in their ability to follow people (seeing people as humans, etc).

You gotta play the devil's advocate a bit and consider the worst that can happen here, especially if it's an implementation that is easily available every shift. I'd rather see an idea go through sufficient scrutiny during discussion than see people get their rounds affected negatively for days on end because it was carelessly implemented.
zafhset makes a good point, re: pulling

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