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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
"nice to eat you, i mean meet you. i'm lorenzo blessig and i'm gonna be serving you all." he is obviously thinking about eating everyone in the room
A small extremely overweight man, barely 4 feet tall reveals himself out of the crowd. He wears a dark red labcoat. He introduces himself as Jonathon "Pepperoni" Pizzano but it sounds so stupid he might as well be making it up. "I am also the stations demonoligist, now I know what you are thinking but rest assured, space demons exist and you don't want to meet them."

He finishes him sentance by waving his coat behind him and dissappearing into the crowd.
"Hm, uh yes, I think I remember something about compensation for the project. Uh, let's see. According to the pamphlet...uh..."

Adam reaches around his pockets for a piece of paper, but it seems to be missing. He seems visibly annoyed about this.

"Yes, uh, I believe they said something along the lines that we would be compensated after the project is done. Uh...yes, you're the Quartermaster then...uh..."

They accepted pretty much anybody, didn't they?

"I think they said pretty much anything we need would be on the station and that we'd be sending requests out if we need to, so money shouldn't be an issue...probably..."

Johnathon...they wouldn't let one man of the faith without letting on other men of...other faith. If I had the choice, I probably would have rejected both of them, but diversity is part of the experiment...

Damn it, where the hell are the tour bots?
A loud hiccup is heard, followed by the faint sound of a metallic cap being tightened.
A man, as homely as he is out of shape, steps forward, Jumpsuit on inside-out.

"M'name's uh... Jhon. Jhon Wa- Uh, " He glances nervously at his ID.
"Large Handsomes. Jhon's my uh, my nick-*hic* Nickname."
You smell whiskey on his breath from the front of the room.

"Anyway we done here? I've gotta open the bar soo- *hic* oon."
A voice floats over the group from the back of the room. "Yes. Can we get out of here? Not that I don't enjoy the company of... all of you... interesting... characters." Surprise! It's that off-putting lanky gal that you probably noticed lurking away from the crowd. She rises off of the wall and offers a half-assed salute towards the speech-giver. "I mean, you never know. There could be all sorts of... stowaways." she adds. After a catlike stretch, the monologue of an interruption resumes. "Oh, did I introduce myself? I'm Irene."
"The name's Dan Kelly," states Staff Assistant Dan Kelly, "Staff Assistant. I'm here cus... space. Probably. Pretty good at space."

She yawns, stretches in her seat, pops a few of her vertebrae.

"And we'd better all hope wherever this is comes with Donks and smokes, otherwise the next few whenevers is gonna suck."
A voice is heard out of the crowd again. "IT IS NOT FAITH IT IS A LEGITIMATE SCIENCE!"
"GHA-- fuck man who the *hic* the fuck are you YELLING at? Some of us are try- *hic* trynna... trynna ... "
The man slumps over in his chair.
"Well guys, it's only been one hour and you're all letting me down pretty well." It'll be worth it. You'll hardly see any of these people, you'll be home in a year, and it'll all. Be. Worth it. And you'll never need to worry about working ever again.

All. Worth it.

"Everyone, just calm down and listen calmly to each other. Calmly. I understand things are a little confusing right now, but It'll all be made clear soon."

As soon as one of the damn robots find us. How long does it take, damn it?
"My names Erik," Is quickly said to the group "If you're hurt, or your more specifically liver is hurt, come to me." He says looking at Large Handsomes.

It'll only be a year with these people I don't know I can make small talk.
"Aw, shame. It's more fun when you have to forage for your own supplies." Those near Marcy would see her pretend to pout, excluding the currently-passed-out Large.

"Speaking of foraging for supplies, has anyone seen a pair of moon shoes? I remember having them on me before I was sent out here but I couldn't find them anywhere when I arrived."
"Oh yes, no need to worry about that. For the most part, we're expected to make our own food. Hydroponics is stocked with various fruit and vegetable seeds. We've been given enough of already grown fruits and vegetables to last a week, with proper rationing, but after that we should have our own home made vegetables. The meat, for obvious reasons, will be provided per request, though it should take more than a few days to reach here. Either way, we should be good for..."

"...wait, you're missing things too?"

Hmm...perhaps there's some good to come of this. I can show off my leadership.

"Crew, it has come to my attention that one of us may be stealing from the others. Now, this kind of behavior is unacceptable. We haven't gone through the rules yet, so nothing will happen, but only if you come clean right now."
Drifting back into consciousness for only the last few words of the captain's statement, I mutter.
".... those fuckers said they'd scrub my reccords for this shit. dammit"
I slowly inch toward the door and try to find the bar.
I flip a coin. Heads. I head east down the corridor.
The woman who revealed herself as Irene narrows her eyes at the man who leaves, but quickly snaps her attention back to the situation at hand. With a quick clearing of her throat-gunk she opens her mouth again. "We can also leave it off the record. Your records, that is. Everyone will know it was you, though." The grody black and green eye zips back and forth across each face and every object in the room while she talks, and continues to do so even after she's finished.
"Alright then, cap'n, what are these rules we've gotta know about?" Nathan calls out, with a stupid salute on the word cap'n

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