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Station of Despair. Final Chapter
You've been selected among a group of people to be part of a space station consisting of the best and brightest your generation has to offer. You and several others have been sent up to manage a space station in an experiment to see if life off of planets is possible.  The name of the station, picked from the most liked names in a contest, is "Hope".

[Image: tumblr_oxftplFeJb1rpf6nso1_1280.png]

The station is an experiment made by humanity to see if Life is possible among space without the support of a planet for humanity to live on.  A small group of people are expected to live on the station for roughly a year before the experiment can be determined to be a success or failure.  Among several other commodities, there are several luxurious items upon the station to make life comfortable, including a gym, pool, gaming center, and bar.

All of the food provided are expected to be made on the station with various supplies made ready on the station.  More supplies are expected to arrive as time goes on should it become an issue, though the small number of people means this is unlikely to be an issue.  The crew is also expected to run the engine within the center of the station, though it's reported to be rather user friendly and already set for use.  The station also has more than enough air to resupply the station three times over in the case of an emergency, as well as materials to patch up any damage to the station itself.  There are plenty of robots upon the station as well to serve for emergencies the crew may be unable to handle on their own, but are otherwise meant to do little beyond showing the crew around the station for the first month or so.

Of particular note is the person tasked with leading this experiment, who volunteered to lead the project.  Very little seems to be known about him beyond his somewhat basic ability to lead others and his physical description.  His speech before leaving was...questionable, but he appeared to be capable.

Character Name:Adam Nehaldo
Gender: Male
Age: 27
Height: Tall
Weight: Overweight
Job: Captain
Strength: Observant.  Even minute details won't be missed by him.
Weakness: Lazy.  He just doesn't feel like doing anything.  Ever.
Other: Orange and Blue-ish split hair parted in the center.  Clearly partially dyed, not hard to guess his natural color.  Sports a full circle beard, all orange.  Usually carries a book.

Along with him, several other people have also signed up for the task for their own reasons.  Whether to explore the stars themselves or to work in new environments, everyone is ready to give their best to make sure the experiment is a success.  Everything apPEaRs to bE goiNg tO ThE scheDuLe SEt up At tHE BeginnIng OF ThE YeAr.  EverYThInG IS GoINg AccOrDIn-.........

--- Transmission Lost ---

Chapter Select

Chapter 1-
-Daily Life

Chapter 2-
-Daily Life

Currently looking for replacement characters.  If interested, please fill out and post this character sheet.  (Please make sure to check past page 19 to see if the person replied since this was posted before choosing them.)
Character Name : Self explanatory.
Gender : What your characters gender is.
Age : How old your character is.
Height : A general idea of your characters Height.  Short, tall, average.  Feel free to go into detail if you wish.
Weight : A general idea of your characters weight.  Skinny, fat, buff, average.  Feel free to go into detail if you wish.
Job : Your characters job on the station
Strength : Things that make your character great.
Weakness : Things that make your character less than great.
Other:Any other details you'd like to include.
Slot Number: Which character you're replacing.
Characters Status
Crossed out names are Dead Characters.
Bold are priority replacements.  If you're applying, please consider their slots first.
Adam Nehaldo (Played by Technature)
1.Nathan Dunkleman (Played by Nate The Squid)
2.Irene Robinson (played by Wraithcraft)
3.Prospector Pete (played by poland spring) AFK
4.Marcy Polo (played by NesMettaur)
5.Michael Mitchell (played by Wonkmin) AFK (No contact!)
6.Barry Burbuckle (played by brojob) AFK
7.Erik Relt (played by cgrn10)
8.Jonathon Pizzano (played by Hydrofloric)
9.Large Handsomes (Played by John Warcrimes)
10.Harper Kendall (Played by amaranthineApocalypse) AFK
11.Phoebe Buzz (Played by Youkcat)
12.Danielle Kelly (Played by Superlagg)
13.Violet Carrick (Played by Hokie)
14.Elan Oats (PLayed by Elan_oots) AFK

Current Map
[Image: tumblr_oz552zTLQH1rpf6nso1_1280.png]
White areas are always open.
Blue areas are Day Time only.
Red Areas are off limits.

Current In-game Rules
1. "NightTime" is from 10 P.M. to 7 A.M.  Some areas are off limits during night time, so please exercise caution.
2. Sleeping anywhere than the bedrooms is bad manners and is therefore not allowed.  It will be punished accordingly.
3. With minimal restrictions, you are free to explore the station at your leisure.
4. Violence against the captain is strictly prohibited, as is destruction of cameras or tvs.
5. You may not, under any circumstance, loan your handbook out to another person.
6. Anyone who kills their fellow crewmembers will be allowed to leave, unless they are discovered.
7. Dismembering or otherwise destroying a person's body after their death is against the rules and will be punished.  Have some respect for the dead, ya creeps!
8. No hacking into doors anymore.  I wouldn't have to make a rule if you would listen the first five damn times.
9. Additional rules may be added as the captain sees fit.
Character Name : Nathan Dunkleman
Gender : Male
Age : 23
Height : slightly taller than average?
Weight : average
Job : Staff assistant! What else?
Strength : Robustin'
Weakness : Gets pissed easy
Other: (how did i completely miss this, i copied the template) bright pink low ponytail
What's cooler : Robots. Synthetics will kill us all one day. damn AIs
Roleplay opinion : I'm fine with roleplay, I'm just real bad at it
Character Name : Irene Robinson
Gender : Female
Age : 23
Height : Juuuust under six foot.
Weight : Like that man from Brussels who was six foot tall and full of muscles. Well, not full of muscles. And almost six feet tall. At the very least she has a toned, lithe figure.
Job : Security officer.
Strength : Previous experience as security lends her to be better at crime guarding than your average bear.
Weakness : Gets stressed easily, will eventually lose her cool. She’s also usually under the influence of all sorts of hardcore painkillers and opioids.
Other: Her right eye has been replaced by a grody mechanical prosthesis! Her other eye has a simple brown iris. Wears her hair a dyed orangeish-blonde. Exceptional at tying balloon animals.
What's cooler : Robots are killer death machines, but at least they don’t live out in the woods. Bears, man. Bears are terrifying. Have you heard them roar?
Roleplay opinion : I love to RP. Not the best at it, but I like it nonetheless.
Music Preference: Music does wonders for the soul.
Character name: Lorenzo blessig 
Height: suspiciously average 
Weight: little bit heavy 
Strengths: makes great burgers
Weaknesses: getting sidetracked 
Whose cooler: those goddamm cockroaches
Other: brown pompadour
Favorite food: ... human burgers, not that he will kill you for it but hey if your dead in maintenance with no DNA you might as well be made into some burgers
edit: yes to rp
Character Name : Marcy Pollo
Gender : Girl
Age : Late 20s
Height : Shorty McShortshort! Don't let the Moon Shoes fool you!
Weight : Lightweight and somewhat slim- don't vent the ship near her.
Job : Quartermaster
Strength : Bargaining, naturally- she IS a Quartermaster.
Weakness : Between relying on the MULEbot a lot and almost never leaving the cargo bay, Marcy's got a shitty sense of direction and barely knows the layout of the ship past "how to get from arrivals to Cargo." Maintenance is especially confusing.
Streakness/Wength : Again, she's short- some shelves are too high for even her mighty Moon Shoes, and she's easily pushed around. But she can fit into really tiny spots and rumor has it she's short enough to even pass the plastic flaps on her own...
Other: As noted above, Marcy's usually wearing Moon Shoes to artifically boost her height. Hair is dyed blue and tied back in a ponytail, eye color is boring old brown. Side note: she's always looking to make a quick buck, so if anything valuable-seeming goes missing blaming her first isn't unreasonable.
What's cooler : Any good QM knows that the space bear is more threatening, for robots do not hide in crates.
Roleplay opinion : It's been forever since I've done roleplay anything, but I'd love to try it again. I'll vote "yes" to it.
Character Name : barry burbuckle
Gender : boy
Age : 21 what a youngin sheesh
Height : 5'9 or an amount of metres
Weight : 145 lbs
Job : chaplain
Strength : he's an agile character
Weakness : addicted to meth, lsd, space drugs, probably anything you can think of and will not resist his urge
Other: has purple hair (what a weirdo) and he stands with both feet pointing outwards. he has been known for smoking cigarettes out of his ears
What's cooler : surprise me but if it was a national spelling bee champion that would be cool
Roleplay opinion : i like roleplay yeah
Character Name : Erik Relt.
Gender : Male.
Age : 30.
Height : Slightly below average.
Weight : Slender, Pretty underweight, not disconcertingly so.
Job : Medical Doctor.
Strength : Exceptional at spotting and recognizing the minutia, making him a good doctor. Inured to blood and other such things related to death.
Weakness : Extremely sloven, can barely ever find anything in his possession.
Other: Long blue hair, withdrawn but observant.
What's cooler : Scared of the singularity bringing about the extinction of humanity. Bears you can easily take down with a rifle, borgs are a little more sturdy.
Roleplay opinion : I'm down to role play but I haven't in god knows how many years.
Character Name :Jonathon "Pepperoni" Pizzano
Gender : Im a boy sir
Age : 22
Height : 4 feet tall 
Weight : 350lb with arms of fucking steel (literally) 
Job :demonologist, stop giving me that weird look they exist I swear.
Strength : I can summon demons with the blood of a lamb and some candles mate that's my job.
Weakness : Well im 300 pounds so im not outrunning anyone.
Other: Soul:I still got it.
Hair:Brown Manbun
Bear or Robot?: Huh?  What do you mean what kind of question is that?  Just answer damn it.  uhh okay. Bears are cool I guess.
Roleplay opinion : I got this DnD group going on soon looking for players.  Do you care about roleplay, or is that garbage to you? Can I join?
Character Name : Large Handsomes
Gender : Felon
Age : 40s
Height : ID says 6'0". Reality says 5'4"
Weight : L A R G E, H A N D S O M E
Job : Bar Captain.
Strength : Large. +STR
Weakness : Too Large. -DEX
Appearance : Haggard.
Pizza : Pineapple.
Hair : Long Gone.
Soul : No Dice.
Bear or Robot?: Brobot
Roleplay opinion : LLJK1 Please.
Character Name : Preston Suffolk
Gender : Manly Man
Age : Mid-20s
Height : about 5'10
Weight : Kinda skinny but totally works out
Job : Mechanic
Strength : Really good at punching things. He's also pretty damn good at breaking and entering, having pulling off a few heists in his day.
Weakness : Accident prone, especially during dangerous high pressure situations.
Other: He's a ginger bastard with a really nice haircut and a suave as heck beard. Or at least he likes to think so.
Bear or Robot?: I reckon there's lots of bear in these here woods.
Roleplay opinion : I'm fine with some light RP.
Character Name : Phoebe Buzz
Gender : Girl.
Age : 22
Height : Average
Weight : Average
Job : Beekeeper/Animal Caretaker if you want a more ideal version.
Strength : Animal Raising
Weakness : Weak.
Other: Yellow Hair, none of the rest matters. Likes Bees, but I'm sure you could already tell that.
Bear or Robot?: Preferably an invasion of Buttbots. If not, Robots.
Roleplay opinion : Light RP, no less maybe more.
Character Name : Danielle Kelly
Gender : Gal
Age : 24-ish
Height : Kinda short
Weight : Unremarkable
Job : Exist to (staff) assist!
Strength : Tenacity, teamwork, and too much coffee, chocolate, and cigarrillos.
Weakness : Tenacity, teamwork, and too much coffee, chocolate, and cigarrillos.
Other: Jittery bastardess.
Bear or Robot?: Robots are cooler! Not only are they deadlier, but they stick to their own departments and can be helpful sometimes! And they have more bullshit weaknesses than bears. Goddamn bears, terrifying bastards.
Roleplay opinion : Last time I roleplayed, I was a foxman from space. Ruled. Down for some medium-ish RP; just light enough for spacefun, just heavy enough to end friendships over spacefun.
(09-25-2017, 01:07 AM)Technature Wrote:
Quote:Job :demonologist, stop giving me that weird look they exist I swear.
Strength : I can summon demons with the blood of a lamb and some candles mate that's my job.
I think I'll allow this just so the chaplain has a natural enemy for no reason.

Beware of the 4 foot tall overweight demon summoner coming to a theater near you.
(09-28-2017, 06:43 AM)Superlagg Wrote: Strength : Tenacity, teamwork, and too much coffee, chocolate, and cigarrillos.
Weakness : Tenacity, teamwork, and too much coffee, chocolate, and cigarrillos.
would your flesh be cofee choclate and nicotine flavored... asking for a friend
Character Name : Roman Volk Lawhon
Gender : Male
Age : 38
Height : Tall, maybe 6' 2".
Weight : Somewhat stocky build.
Job : Janitor
Strength : Somewhat strong, decent at running away from things, and good at cleaning up messes. Will always attempt to get out of bad situations alive, one way or another. Thick-skinned.
Weakness : Is frequently an asshole. Tends to be a miscreant. Probably not trustworthy. Gets drunk a lot. Depends a bit too much on cigarettes. Prefers to work alone most of the time. Sometimes stupidly underestimates things.
Bear or Robot?: Bears. They are strong. Like Roman. Some of them are Russian. Like Roman. They are animals. Like Roman.
Roleplay opinion : I'm up for some RP.

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