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Persistent Bank
The issue for some people:
Common (DEFINITELY worth changing),
Expensive (Worth changing for some items, or justifying the cost of)
One-Use (50/50 worth/not worth changing)
I scanned the list of items to buy, and saw no beautiful spacemass cape.
the problem with making them permanent is that it limits the amount of times you can buy a thing. rather than buying a hoodie every few rounds for some gimmick, you buy a hoodie once and redeem it sometimes for some gimmick.

however i'd like it if you didn't buy things at only the start, it'd be good if you could buy some super useless things during the round. maybe certain merchants that only accept spacebux?
I believe "persistence" over "permamence" would work out better for these items, as someone suggested, if you survive with the item (not even escape) you should carry it over to the next round.

Though logging off and coming back on the next day means you technically never died, so should that affect the persistence and maybe wipe the bought items?
I won't argue anything outside of universal permanence not working. Currency is only useful if you can buy something with it. Run out of things to buy and it's just a number.

Some permanence would be okay, but the cost would have to be pretty drat high. It'd be like a 'You've put in your time' medal, only you got to choose the reward. Since it's still in testing I'd probably advise against it for now, though. At least until item value and any kinks get stabilized.

On the in-game menu, that'd be great. I rarely plan my gimmicks. I'm more an opportunistic, low hanging fruit gimmickist. Being able to grab items in an active game would be amazing.
(09-25-2017, 03:49 AM)Crystalwarrior Wrote: I believe "persistence" over "permamence" would work out better for these items, as someone suggested, if you survive with the item (not even escape) you should carry it over to the next round.

Though logging off and coming back on the next day means you technically never died, so should that affect the persistence and maybe wipe the bought items?

Sounds interesting! I'd say to let them carry over only if the item is on the shuttle and intact, even if it's on your (or someone else's) corpse. Incentives for getting on the shuttle and bringing corpses along. Might even be a Janitor thing to sweep up the items and toss them into the shuttle.

The fun part is that most often the item will be destroyed by shuttle shenanigans. Bombs, spacings, lings, acid smoke, typical badguy funtime that'll ensure that you'll probably have to buy your item again, making the whole thing with keeping your item an uncommon reward for being undefeatable. Or bombing everyone before they can bomb you.
I updated the persistent bank so that your items persist through rounds as long as you escape alive. Changed some prices too, because this sort of mucks with the values. (and will probably be making more changes in the future).

I agree that most of the bank items should be unique stuff. I'll try to phase out the common stuff with cool things when I can.
Rainbow toolbox skin when
(09-26-2017, 02:21 AM)Crystalwarrior Wrote: Rainbow toolbox skin when

artistic toolbox skin when
(09-25-2017, 04:16 PM)mbc Wrote: I updated the persistent bank so that your items persist through rounds as long as you escape alive.

This is a super neat idea to incentivize staying alive!
(09-26-2017, 02:43 AM)NateTheSquid Wrote:
(09-26-2017, 02:21 AM)Crystalwarrior Wrote: Rainbow toolbox skin when

artistic toolbox skin when

Artistic toolbox skin for the faustian briefcase when
(09-26-2017, 04:29 AM)Dr Zoidcrab Wrote:
(09-26-2017, 02:43 AM)NateTheSquid Wrote:
(09-26-2017, 02:21 AM)Crystalwarrior Wrote: Rainbow toolbox skin when

artistic toolbox skin when

Artistic toolbox skin for the faustian briefcase when

Flaming briefcase skin when
No faustian toolbox?
I managed to hold onto a fruit hat for three rounds, despite being dead on the station in two of them. One, I was a traitor assistant who died in Genetics after getting obliterated by my own emagged beepsky, and the other I was gibbed by a nukeop (though, we won). Lost it after dying in a hallway, though.
(09-27-2017, 10:57 AM)Superlagg Wrote: I managed to hold onto a fruit hat for three rounds, despite being dead on the station in two of them. One, I was a traitor assistant who died in Genetics after getting obliterated by my own emagged beepsky, and the other I was gibbed by a nukeop (though, we won). Lost it after dying in a hallway, though.

The first one is intentional, traitors don't need to survive/escape alive in order to keep their items (otherwise it might conflict with certain objectives they get).
The second one I am not sure about. Probably has something to do with it being a nuke round - there are some different rules in place here because there is no possibility of escape.

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