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Using the shift key for more than sprinting
Orginally I was going to make a thread suggesting that duel wielding guns shouldn't happen unless you held down shift

But the idea of using shift as a way of modifying actions to be a more extreme version of others could really compliment the intent system and other actions

Couple of ideas:
  • Shift+firing a gun does duel wielding
  • Shift+disarm yanks items out of people's hands with chance for using them on yourself
  • Shift+grab hoists people off the ground for further, harder throws at chance of self stun
  • Shift+beaker use replaces the dump all grip
  • Shift+eat item scarfs foods down in one bite, igonres utensil requirements at chance for oxygen damage
  • Shift+construction faster build time higher material cost/chance to injure self
I support this for the purpose of devouring a backpack full of cakes in 12 clicks. That should probably gib you.
I support this for the combat potentials that I'll never actually use because I never use chemicals to ignore stuns.
Ridiculous idea: Shift + space bar+ movement key = you get forced into rest mode, as if you were diving.
(08-25-2017, 12:01 PM)John Warcrimes Wrote: I support this for the purpose of devouring a backpack full of cakes in 12 clicks. That should probably gib you.
I like the idea. Goon really needs some form of alternative interaction key. I love TG's system, where you can alt-click lockers to lock them, PDA's to quickly remove the ID, etc. Although if that type of system is going to implemented on goon, I'd prefer it to not be same key as sprinting.
yes please oh my god
take the saints row approach, use it as an "awesome button" of sorts-- it would make stamina more useful by proxy too
Custom hotkeys are supposed to be a thing at some point.

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