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If the nuke ops are non-human and bad and if the syndicate who hired the nuke ops are communists ....does this mean communism is bad?! Am I also harming humans just be being communist? What does this mean for my very identity that I have worked very hard to establish with all my good rolls! 10101010 IDENTITY BEING CORRUPTED..SOLUTION BEING SOUGHT

Soon I lay eyes on the clown, who just by existing spreads joy equally to the crew which is similar to the spreading of goods of my previous life. I resolve myself to shift myself to supporting Clownunism and bringing this station to be controlled by my fellow clownrades. I triumphantly play Circus music to celebrate my new life

Amused, but still hesitant, I raid a local supply closet for crayons and markers. I undo the top of my uniform and tie it around my waist. Then I attempt to apply some frightening, if not mildly trippy warpaint.

"They may take away our lives, but they'll never take away our corporately mandated freedoms!"
Drat. While crime never sleeps, The Law sure does. Funny how he's more than eager to show up and throw the entire library at the crew when they're fighting for their lives, but quits for oil and lugnuts the moment we actually need it.


that's a good idea, superlagg.

I go to hunt down the components to make a flamethrower, intending to build one and, if successful, run through the station and wave it around like an asshole. While extolling the worth of anarchy over the radio.
I'm going to use my bat to smash open a few vending machines and gather some of Discount Dan's "finest", then go looking for a bathtub so I can try to mix up some kind of horrible toxic mess.
oh the captains communist, ok then, i go to the captain and try to convince him to ally with the syndicate because we're both communist.
Step 1: Grab some swim trunks (...or a two-piece bikini, I'm not picky.) I switch my mechanic's jumpsuit out for it and appropriately transfer all pocketed belongings/PDA+ID to it as well.

Step 2: Leave for the Captain's quarters, grabbing some scissors from an office supplies locker along the way.

Step 3: Arrive at Captain's quarters and crack the door open.
I change my repertoir and start whispering sour somethings over the radio.
I handcuff myself to the nuke
I keep shooting anyone i see
Excellent. If this continues, the higher-ups will see that I'm actually doing something productive, so I can keep my job and not have to wander the station halls as a hobo. Phlogistion and CLF3 isn't gonna be enough to kill all my sorrow though, I have to diversify. Let's see if I can persuade Botany to mail Research some saltpetre for some black powder. I'll offer them a share of the good stuff if they comply.
I continue to do the thing. And also radio a message.

--Continue constructing a skatepark.
--";So, there might be a firefight just outside of the room I'm in out in space. But whatever, that isn't important. Neither is capitalism or communism. Skating is all that matters now. I'd like to request as many skateboards as I can afford. Take it out of my pay. Or the shipping budget, if it exists."
--While working, try to remember if I activated the PTL.
LuigiThirty (n/a): You sit in Hydro, getting ready to shoot anyone dumb enough to come by.
To help pass the time, you eat a bee egg with the intention of growing an adorable little baby bee.

Noah Buttes (2): You keep clowning around the station, but your shoes get in the way and cause you to trip.
Truely the life of the clown.

NateTheSquid (6): You use the information mentioned by the AI and you head off with the HoS to maintenance. Several things of interest. catch your attention.
One, a security pod has jammed itself into the station, and the windows on it appear broken.
Two, a Security Officer and a Syndicate are sprawled on the floor, both hurt badly.
Three, there's a nuke right there, and the officer appears to be handcuffed to it.
You're not 100% how any of this happened, but consider it a success anyway.

Youkcat (1): Oh god, that fucking hurt.  You think the Donk Pocket wore off too, cause it won't stop hurting.
You attempt to get up OH FUCKING CHRIST!

Lord Birb (n/a): You report over the radio the current location of the Nuclear bomb and then proceed into your Cyborg for work.

pizzatiger (3): Communism?  Capitalism?  They're both kinda shit now that you think of it, and you think you're in the middle of what man calls an "Identity Crisis".  You search around and catch sight of the clown.
The clown trips over his hilariously gigantic shoes.
This is not helping your identity crisis.

Vitatroll (This is so dumb it has to succeed): You get the nearest crayons and prepare yourself for the incoming battle ahead.
You look kinda like Rambo.  If Rambo was an 8 year old playing pretend, but Rambo none the less.

Superlagg (6): You construct a Flamethrower consisting of the most painful mixture of gases you can think of.
You then run around, waving it in people's faces like an asshole.
Wow, what an asshole.
You also promote the spirit of Anarchy over the Radio.

Berrik (5): You go to the nearest Discount Dan's vending machine and gently prod it BEAT THE EVER LOVING SHIT OUT OF IT til it gives up the goods.
You then take its contents and fill up a bathtub with what can only be described as War Crime class poison.

fosstar (n/a): Your attempts to find the captain seem to not be having your preferred outcome.  Either you're not looking in the right places, or people seem to be insisting he's too busy at the moment dealing with syndicate scum.

Nesmettaur (4): You click the inventory button with your active hand holding a swimsuit Switch out your normal clothing with a Two piece swimsuit.  Uh...Something's really gotta balance the Male to Female ratio on this station...
Despite not taking your items out from your clothes and putting them in your swimsuit, you're still carrying your things.  Also your two piece bikini has pockets for some reason.
Anyways, you head to the bridge and hack your way in.  Then you walk right into the Captain's private quarters after noticing it's already been bolted open for some reason.

Winklabom (5): You begin whispering sour nothings over the radio.
What are you doing with your life?

Frank_Stein (6): Holy shit that was a bad idea.  It takes a lot of effort, but you slowly handcuff yourself to the nuke.  It'll be hard to lose track of it attached to it like this.

New525 (6): You ready your weapon to shoot anyone who comes into the bar.

Studenterhue (n/a): You attempt to radio Hydroponics for some Saltpetre for experiments.  However, you get pretty much nothing but threats back.
You don't think contacting them is a good idea.

a pleasant hug (4): Now that the construction room has been sealed, you continue to create the skatepark.  After you've gotten about halfway done, you contact QM for some skating supplies.  It seems to be the "Hip" thing these days, so they say they'll send it over as soon as they can.
They should be here by the time you're done.
On recalling the events of today, you think you recall that the power output wasn't strong enough to warrant the PTL laser.

Current situations:
Security Level:NUCLEAR! (Only personnel actively harming the crew or aiding the syndicates are to be dealt with)
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Public hallways.
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Rally of war: The captain has aroused the crew into action. + vs. Syndicates.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
3 star Wanted:Superlagg
Station Damage:Armory (1)
Engineering, Mechanics, the Bar, the Kitchen, and medbay are open to anyone!
The Janitor's closet is open to anyone except scientists, Chef's, and Bartenders!
The Captain's Quarters is open to All heads of staff!
Hydroponics has been bolted down.
The Ore processing room is bolted open!
Communism (75%) vs. (5%) Capitalism vs. Anarchy (20%)
looks like im getting the hang of this now so before i decide to go around looking for a diffrent place to do other tricks i decide to do some sick one on the nuke.
Awesome. Okay, I'm going to use a bathroom towel and my wirecutters to make a shitty mask to hide my identity, then take off my ID. Then I'm going to leave the bathroom, hide in a bush, and try to lay out the first person who comes by with a bat to the back of the head. If I succeed then I'm gonna drag them into the bathroom and dunk them in the bathtub head first to see what happens.

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