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I search for the creep who was whispering over the radio and stun cane the everliving shit out of him if I find him.
I, the GREAT and GLORIOUS TROLLGAR do a non-lethal, stunning attack and kick Frank to the side with my wrestlebelt. Then, before the stun expires, I quickly get the nuke into the pod, jump in, and leave shouting "THE GREAT AND GLORIOUS TROLLGAR NEVER FAILS!" Hopefully the Donk Pocket lasts that long.

(if I fail this then this is so bad for me 0-0)
I continue to continue clowning
Snag... snag.

This gives me an idea, but I need to get to the pool first- and it's safer to go around through Maint. than it is to pass back through the Bar, so I'm going to try again at unbolting the door.
Wow, this cat is tough! Took a glass of gross juice and they're still standing!

Of course! It was space law what brought them into this world. The Syndicate, an outfit made from pure anti-law. Of course they're still standing, of course they've torn through our crew like Toxins through our crew! All who've stood in their way were of the wrong side of the law, which is to say their side of the law. Not even I stand a chance, law-agnostic and neutrally lawful.

Gonna need more than a toolbox to take 'em down. Gonna need a savior. A being unsullied by the draw of disorder, of pure, hard-lined law.

But of course.

We need Officer Beepsky.

Superlagg exclaims, "You guys chill right here, I'll be right back!"

I run out of the Bar and down the halls, searching for my metal husbando.

Superlagg [145.9] asks, "Hey AI, you seen beepsky anywhere?"

I also aim to clothesline anyone in my path, friend or foe.
The captain! Of course! He is the source of bourgeoise oppression for this entire station, the oppressor of the proleterian! no real communist change will happen while he's here! I attempt to rally my supporters to overthrow the captain and begin the glorious process to establishing a communist government on ss13! VIVA!
I whisper sweet nothings to the syndicate over the radio. Screw the crew!
I use the heat from my rage to melt the ice attempt to murder the one who attacked me
I laugh. I had wondered why I never had to water or trim those! Too busy smoking weed, I guess. I continue towards the red tide, but in different stride. My leisurely pace turns an about face as I attempt to walk the moonwalk.
Bologna Prime (1 (Lucky Roll 3)): You get your fire extinguisher out to prove you are worth controlling the animals.  After some struggle, however, you're overwhelmed and knocked out by the monkies.
You've been knocked out for a long time.  You're pretty sure the only reason you aren't dying is cause this happened in medbay.  Lose next minute.

Frank_Stein (1+) vs. Youkcat (1): RAM IT!
You ram both the nuke and the nuke op RIGHT INTO THE STATION in an attempt to prevent him from leaving.  You hit so hard that you're thrown out of the pod.
Both of you feel like you're hurting really bad.

Berrik (6): You head around maintenance and come across a really neat looking bat.
You heard legend of the most robust bat in the cosmos, able to knock someone out in a single strike.
You're pretty sure this is just a replica.  *sigh*  It'll have to do.

NateTheSquid (1): What is with the random number generator today?  You kick open the nearest door and RUN IN GUNS BLAZING!
The toilets in the bathroom are broken and are now spraying water everywhere.
The HoS looks at you with scorn on his face.

LordBirb (6): You head back into the nearest recharger you can find and attempt to find the nuke.
You find it next to a security pod, a security officer, and a nuke op.
None of them seem happy with the situation.

HotCoffeeMug (6): Guess it's either 1's or 6's today.  Skating with the public is for chumps.  You decide to head to the one place no one ever goes to.
You start doing some really sick flips in the chapel.

Roomba(1) vs. Winklabom(2 about fucking time we had variety): Winklabom continues to whisper sweet nothings over the radio.  The crew yells louder for it to stop.  Roomba attempts to find the source, but is having trouble getting an exact location.

Noah Buttes (5): You just can't stop clowning around today.

NesMettaur (Automatic Success): You successfully unbolt the door and get into maintenance as quickly as possible.
You get an idea and decide to head to the pool.

Superlagg (3): You look around for the only person on the station that matters.  The one who dispenses justices fairly among all citizens when working properly.
As always, Beepsky is nowhere to be found when you actually need him.

fosstar (n/a): You think of overthrowing the captain to attempt to establish communism.  Then you remember that he mentioned over the radio that he apparently is a communist.
You don't know what to make of this.

New525 (2) vs. Flourish (1): New breaks out of the ice and, in a sheer moment of rage, opens fire on Flourish.  Despite his hilariously terrible aim, he manages to get a shot into Flourish's leg.
That ice still feels really cold.

Vitatroll (4): You moonwalk in the general vicinity of the syndicates.  Everyone is either too busy already dealing with the syndicates or too busy staring at you to ask why you're doing this.

Current situations:
Security Level:NUCLEAR! (Only personnel actively harming the crew or aiding the syndicates are to be dealt with)
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Public hallways.
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Rally of war: The captain has aroused the crew into action.  + vs. Syndicates.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
3 star Wanted:Superlagg
Depressurized:Armory, Podbay
Engineering, Mechanics, the Bar, the Kitchen, and medbay are open to anyone!
The Janitor's closet is open to anyone except scientists, Chef's, and Bartenders!
The Captain's Quarters is open to All heads of staff!
Hydroponics has been bolted down.
The Ore processing room is bolted open!
Communism (80%) vs. (10%) Capitalism vs. Anarchy (10%)
I hunker down in Botany, ready to blow up anyone who tries to get into my zone and mess with my bees.

Spotting a bee egg, I eat it. I name my bee Barry B. Benson.
I continue continuing to continue clowning.
guess ill keep looking for the nuke. maybe ill ask the hos to go first and follow his lead, it is his job after all
Using the power of the donk pocket that's digesting, I am to do a stunning kick, but not enough to kill them, to Frank and then push both the nuke and myself into the pod, and set it to go away from the station.
I report the location of the nuke to the crew and deploy back into my shell.

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