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While casually walking towards my doom, I decide to pick up a shrubbery. I continue towards the red tide.
Since I can't get to the nuke, I might as well deal with this new threat. I head back to my radio collection and debate the merits of limited government with the proponents of anarchy.
(08-23-2017, 10:16 PM)Lord Birb Wrote:
(08-23-2017, 03:08 PM)elan_oots Wrote:
(08-23-2017, 02:37 PM)Lord Birb Wrote: I rush to the location of the nuke in my borg shell to assist security with the assault! Once there, I set my morphine hypospray to "Inject all" and inject the syndicate scum with it, with the intention of knocking them out.

Morphine isn't allowed in hypos IIRC.

I run to where security is to help them get healed if they're hurt in the gunfight.

Technature didn't point it out when I initially filled the hypo so it isn't retroactively going to not work!

My experience with those damn things isn't as high as I'd like it to be, so I don't know all the chemicals it rejects.

I know for a fact it doesn't reject Epishit though.  Found that out the other day and fuck the person that did that twice.

NateTheSquid (5): You get the HoS to charge the Nuclear nutjobs with you.  You reach near the last known location is and join in the sweeping of maintenance to locate it.

Berrik (3) vs. Superlagg (5): Berrik breaks out of the ice and proceeds to get on the nearest chair to slam the nearest person (2).  Superlagg, however, sees it coming and dodges out of the way.
Berrik slams into the floor AGAIN and is prone on the floor.  Doing anything right now may be difficult.

New525 (2): You're sick of this shit.  Nothing seems to be going right and it's always the fault of some idiot getting lucky.
You crush your helmet in sheer anger.
Before you take it off.
Dear god that hurt.

Superlagg (2): You dodge the suplexing Berrik.  However, you lose your grip on one of the glasses of...what did these things have again?  Anyways, it shatters on impact and the floor is covered in ice.
You slip and fall on the floor.  Dodging might be difficult.

elan_oots (6): You grab everything you have and head off to where the firefight is taking place (or will take place at any rate).  Your ability at this work shows, as you bring all the medicine you could need for the situation.

LoigiThirty (6): You construct a high quality Zip gun (unlike most zip guns, this one doesn't have a 1 in 6 chance of backfiring).  Once this is done, you warn over the radio to stay away from Hydroponics.

a pleasant hug (1): You make your way to the soon to be skate park area.  Unfortunately, any easy way to get to it seems to be bolted off for some reason.

studenterhue (3): You try to make a mixture to burn the very concept of sorrow itself to the ground.  While you do get a burning chemical to do it, you still feel sadness.
You're pretty sure this means it's a failure.
You still feel sad.  Perhaps more so than before.

Flourish (4): You head around to look for suspicious people to throw glasses at.  You eventually come upon the fight in the bar.
The only guy standing up right now seems very aware that you're there.

fosstar (3): Technically speaking the syndicate commander's been braindead for some time now You try to search for the syndicate in charge of the operation.  You have no idea how to even start though, and you get lost trying to find someone.

NesMettaur (2): You look around for an APC to snatch a power cell from.  You're having trouble finding any right now.
They must all be in maintenance around here.

HotCoffeeMug (5): You feel like you have nothing to really live for, and thus should jump into nothing itself.
Suddenly a skateboard rolls by.
You feel a feeling of childlike wonder and whimsy as you grab the skateboard.

Vitatroll (5): On your way to the syndicates, you manage to find a shrubbery.  *Insert obligatory Monty Python reference here.*

Current situations:
Security Level:NUCLEAR! (Only personnel actively harming the crew or aiding the syndicates are to be dealt with)
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Public hallways.
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Rally of war: The captain has aroused the crew into action.  + vs. Syndicates.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
3 star Wanted:Superlagg
Depressurized:Podbay, Armory
Engineering, Mechanics, the Bar, the Kitchen, and medbay are open to anyone!
The Janitor's closet is open to anyone except scientists, Chef's, and Bartenders!
The Captain's Quarters is open to All heads of staff!
Hydroponics has been bolted down.
The Ore processing room is bolted open!
Communism (80%) vs. (10%) Capitalism vs. Anarchy (10%)
I should still be in the Pod outside covering any attempts to head back out into space. From what I understand Yourkcat popped out, got fired at, then ducked behind the Nuke?

But the other Sec has started closing in after them from the south, following the hole they made with thermite.

So if the Nuke is out in space, I'm going to close in with the Pod and try to pull it into my cargo bay
i get on the skateboard doing tricks with anything i can.
I'm going to crawl away and find a medkit. Ow, this is not my day.
Fine, if you won't let me give trollgar a morphine overdose, I will just rush up and stab them to death with my circular saw!
Edit: Morphine-coated circular saw, to be precise.
(08-24-2017, 03:39 AM)Lord Birb Wrote: Fine, if you won't let me give trollgar a morphine overdose, I will just rush up and stab them to death with my circular saw!

i think technature was saying it was retcon'd as epi, which still stuns pretty well, if for short amounts of time. id do both if i were you. or i'd have spiked the saw/scalpel with morphine

edit: also bang bang! I shoot the syndicate nerdos. aim for the legs so the sec men can catch them later. beat the nuke with anything nearby
I sigh nad move into the halls to continue my shotgun rampage
On the way to find my syndicate salvation, I use my scissors and my botanical skillset to create a bitchin' topiary and take it with me to battle.

...wait, I'm a Mechanic. And I have insulated gloves for this.
I go back to the first Maintenence door I tried and attempt to unbolt it. If successful, then I duck into the tunnels and run somewhere. Don't know or care where, as long as it's somewhere.
I go for the next best thing, and raid the monkey pen for the monkey suit. I'll proceed to my office for the ID change and bedsheet cape afterwards.
I load a flaming weed chili into my zip gun! Grenade launcher!
Bolted doors are no match for my unwavering determinationfully loaded RCD.

--Use RCD on 'Deconstruct' mode to remove the bolted door.
--Use 'Smug' special action. Smuggo
--Build the skatepark using my remaining metal sheets.
Inspired by a guy on a skateboard who just rolled past, I head over to the warehouse to claim the forklift. Maybe I can rig it into a fancy combat go-kart or something.

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