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BYOND Username: NesMettaur
With my repairs complete, I haul my Mechanics cart somewhere to set up another teleporter.
Where in particular, I'm not sure, but I can only hope it's somewhere that isn't useless to teleport to.
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BYOND Username: NateTheSquid
Character Name: Nathan Dunkleman
I gurgle angrily as soon as my mouth forms in the cloner
Posts: 593
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Joined: Dec 2013
Using the knowledge I learned from the Elder Ai, I attempt to bolt open all the doors on the station because sharing is caring! (If needed, this can take multiple rounds)
Posts: 2,552
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Joined: Oct 2014
Head covered in nectar and leaves, I decide to first head over to the bar for some liquid courage. My plan is to dump several cans of robust-eez into an empty keg, followed by a couple bottles of chocolate, a bottle of Bo'Jacks, some Gin and Tonic, and whatever random pills I can find.
Hopefully it doesn't explode this time.
Posts: 443
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Joined: Oct 2014
I grab the box of cable wires and put it in my backpack.
I continue searching for at least a second station bounced radio and also start looking for a (preferably charged) flash that may be lying on the floor or on a desk somewhere. People are always so quick to throw those things away to make room for guns in their backpacks! Hopefully, this will be the case right now as well.
A chilling sense of dread washes over me as I hear a faint, distant squeaking noise followed by a honk, but I shrug it off remembering that there are no clowns anywhere near this quadrant of space... right ?
Posts: 424
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Joined: Jul 2016
BYOND Username: New525
I see the clown vanish before my eyes. Having both my rage and character arc left unfulfilled makes me angry three times as angry as before. Every sound i hear is a honk every rat i see is wearing a clown mask and i hear clown shoes walking all around the station. I load my spacker, mutter something about my name not being important and walk down the mait hall.
Posts: 298
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Joined: Aug 2016
BYOND Username: YoukCat
I radio to New525 to feel free to go rampage, but to yell about how great Communism is whilst doing it. I proceed to search for some writing tools in maintenance.
Posts: 5,751
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Joined: May 2014
I'm going to continue flying around the perimeter of the station, using the direction the radar blip was relative to my original position as a guide, and running my scanners along the way.
Posts: 2,722
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Joined: Sep 2012
BYOND Username: Powmonkey
I thank the clown gods for their blessing.
Posts: 383
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Joined: Apr 2016
BYOND Username: fosstar
Character Name: Montgommery Scott
I continue to promote communism and post as many marxist posters as possible around the station to boost the spirit of communism, i also drink lots of discount dan soup.
Posts: 1,498
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Joined: Apr 2016
BYOND Username: Superlagg
Double damn, the one thing that'd stop an assistant like me: A cardlocked refrigerator. And that's where lies the only other box of Donks on the station! I'd have to hoof it all the way to the Faint Signal for a box, and nyehhhhh.... I don't wanna. This bucking sucks, maybe trampling Mr. Muggles into next shift'll make me feel better--
Oh hi Studenterhue.
Superlagg (as Supirlogg) says, "Oh hi, Studenterhue."
Supirlogg salutes.
Supirlogg salutes.
Supirlogg twitches violently.
Supirlogg salutes.
Supirlogg flips in Studenterhue's general direction.
Superlagg (as Supirlogg) says, "Donks are wonked in the Donklocker, and I dont have the key."
Superlagg (as Supirlogg) asks, "You wouldnta happened to see a dead guy around here? Also, got any cryostylane on you?"
Supirlogg twitches violently
I then take the empty Happy Elf Hot Chocolate bottle in one hand, the beaker of cryoxadone in the other, and with one smooth movement transfer the contents of the beaker into the bottle.
Posts: 21
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Joined: Aug 2017
BYOND Username: A Pleasant Hug
--Equip my breath mask to use my emergency O2 tank
--Grab an Electrical Toolbox; leave Engineering
--Search Maintenance for an Air Canister
";Engine's running a bit better, going to add some air back to Pod Bay!"
Posts: 1,104
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Joined: Feb 2017
BYOND Username: Studenterhue
I thought the chef's fridge was public-access, like the one in crew quarters? I don't know, maybe it is. Regardless, I'll find a way, I'm sure.
I wave friendly at Superlagg. As it turns out, I did in fact make some cryostylane earlier, and if my standard hoarder habits are still unchecked, I should still have it. I rummage through my bag and hand the beaker to the rapidly convulsing blur that is Superlagg. When the transaction goes through, I look around the room and think to myself, "What would Stalin do?"
Well, he'd probably hunt down the one responsible, hold in a bombastic show trial, and send them to firing squad or gulag, but I don't have a firing squad or gulag on me, and I don't really know who to use them on in the first place (and if it was Superlagg, they'd probably miss), so I can't really do that.
So, instead, I think, "What would Marx do?". Well, he'd probably rouse me to labor in the name of fellow brothers and sisters in communism and create more donk pockets out of the goodness of my own heart. Except, I don't have any flour, and the FoodVend that has it definitely is cardlocked, so I can't really do that either, at least, not right now.
But! I do remember a trick one of my old colleagues showed me, where he'd screw open the maintenance panel of a NanoVend and cut the access lock wire, so we could get some medical supplies for ourselves if we had lab accident and there no doctors on duty. I could probably replicate the same trick on the FoodVend.
With that in mind, I ask Superlagg to return the favor and fetch me a screwdriver and pair of wirecutters, if they don't have some on hand. Once they return, I ask them to screw open the FoodVend's maint panel and help them try to find and cut the access lock wire.
Posts: 566
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Joined: Sep 2016
BYOND Username: HydroFloric
I bet its nothing uncle haywards special brew can't fix. I go grab a welding fuel bottle and chug it before heading to the bar for a drink.
Posts: 2,456
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Joined: Feb 2017
BYOND Username: Technature
Lord Birb (4): You track the dangerous looking person for a short time.
He just took out a spacker.
Luigi Thirty (2): Your attempts to make the spiciest weed this side of space isn't going too well. The mass majority of the stuff just bursts into flames? Chili is spicy, not hot god damn it.
Roomba (2): You try to rig your basic alarm to the headset of every person on the station.
This is apparently as hard as it sounds.
Bologna Prime (1): You feel good again, things are finally going your way. So you finally go and do what you originally wanted to do.
You head down to QM to order novelty clothing once more!
You forget that you actually drained the budget for QM once more!
You scream Mother Fucker to yourself once more!
Hot Coffee Mug (4): You take a quick look around the station to ascertain the current situation.
The HoP looks annoyed in QM.
Medbay seems to working at optimal efficiency again.
Berrik (3): You roll up all the weed you brought to the bar in your credit and announce it over the radio.
A security officer is the first person to show up. He takes all of it and announces it to security. Apparently, there's more important things than tracking contrabrand growing people.
NesMettaur (3): With that job done, you head to mechanics which is bolted open for some reason? You head inside and get rea- GET THE FUCK OUT!
You're temporarily deaf.
NateTheSquid (n/a): You wake up in a tube filled with liquid. You know this isn't what you asked for.
You feel really angry about this.
pizzatiger (5): You successfully bolt open Medbay, the Captains Quarters, the Janitor's closet, and the Ore Processing Room.
Vitatroll (4): You mix a large amount of alcohol, a bit of chocolate, and a random pill you found laying nearby.
You created a slightly energetic alcoholic beverage with just a hint of Cat Drugs (though you don't know about the cat drug part yet.)
winklabom (2): Your attempts to find another station bounced radio are going as well as your first attempt. You also find two seperate flashes, both broken.
new525 (n/a): You feel as if you missed a great opportunity to avenge the death of your family. You ready your shotgun to blast any poor bastard nearby.
Youkcat seems to be encouraging this.
youkcat (1): What kind of shitty station doesn't have writing tools?
Frank Stein (5): You attempt to use the knowledge you acquired so far to locate the suspicious people responsible. After a bit of guesswork, you successfully reach the room under construction.
There's a pod right outside of it.
It's clearly of syndicate origins!
You announce over the security frequency.
Noah Buttes (n/a): You thank the all mighty honk mother, funny be her name, for assisting you in being as irrelevant and useless as possible to the plot.
fosstar (6): You walk around the station promoting the greatness of communism while sipping from what can only be described as literal poison.
Tastes good.
The spirit of communism rises.
Superlagg (n/a): You ask if Studenterhue has any cryostylane on them. Luckily, not only does he have it, he happily gives it to you. After you pocket the stuff, you fill the empty Happy Elf Hot Chocolate bottle with cryoxadone. Studenterhue wants hacking tools in return (4), so you quickly run out and fetch him a screwdriver and some wire cutters.
a pleasant hug (1): You heard over the radio that podbay needs to be re-aired.
You know how much of a pain in the ass the games code dealing with this is and decide it's not your problem.
Who actually uses Podbay anyways?
Studenterhue (6): Superlagg apparently wants some cryostylane. What luck. You give it to him cause you're such a nice guy.
In exchange, you want some hacking tools. Probably should of held onto the cryostylane until he brought them back, but it works out.
Your attempts at hacking the kitchen dispenser are almost immediate success.
Anyone can now cook in the kitchen that is currently bolted open.
Hydrofloric (n/a): You grab the nearest can of welding fuel and chug it down.
Your time between doing this action and regretting it may have reached record breaking numbers.
The syndicate plan has failed. All syndicate bonuses have been lost.
Current situations:
Security Level:NUCLEAR! (Only personnel actively harming the crew or aiding the syndicates are to be dealt with)
Disk Location: NesMettaur
Nuke Location: Construction room.
Time til Nuke Explodes: N/A
Fluke Ops Incoming: Not only is Awfulworldkid really bad at this, he was purposefully given terrible plans too.
Competent Medical Staff: Medical actions + for the station.
Misuse of funds:Shipping has no budget.
1 star Wanted:Hotcoffeemug (missing), Noah Buttes
3 star Wanted:Superlagg
Station Damage:Armory
Engineering, Mechanics, the Bar, the Kitchen, and medbay are open to anyone!
The Janitor's closet is open to anyone expect scientists, Chef's, and Bartenders!
The Captain's Quarters is open to All heads of staff!
The Ore processing room is bolted open!
Communism (45%) vs. (55%) Capitalism