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Being able to tell if a dead person disconnected
There should be some way to tell if a dead person disconnected so that you don't waste your time trying to revive them. Mabey scanning them with a health scanner. Or the chaplain can check "if a person's soul has departed." Or mabey when you scan someone in the cloning machine it just tells you that you are wasting your time trying to revive them. Whatever it is, I just don't want to have to sift through 10 different brains a robotisist and finding out that none of them are there.
if you try to clone them and it says like, "Mental Interface Failure" or something like that, they are Dc'd
On other servers there is a real easy way to check if their braindead by literally just examining them. You'll get a message "Their eyes are glazed over as if they were braindead" or something quite close to that effect. This is while they're alive too.
I do not like this idea as it seems just a easy way to grief someone.
I think in an update, correct me if I'm wrong, but there's a way to tell when you are a robutticist to tell, when you debrain them, examine the brain, if it's warm then you've got a ghost waiting for ya. I don't know if this has been changed, but when I first noticed it I thought it was pretty neat.
MEOW POW Wrote:if you try to clone them and it says like, "Mental Interface Failure" or something like that, they are Dc'd
This too for geneticists. It could also mean if they are already cloned, I think.

I like the idea of the chaplain being able to tell if a person is braindead while dead. Smack em' with the bible you'll get a red message only they will see
The soul of Pubbie McShithead is nearby
The soul on Pubbie McShithead has departed, in which case you can actually preform a space funeral. That's one thing I was always afraid of when I rarely played as the chaplain, was should I actually preform a space funeral or bring him to genetics.
Yeah, on other servers you can tell when they are braindead "Their eyes are glazed over as if braindead" and also if they've ghosted out of their body "They are completely catatonic, it seems as if the stress of spacelife was too much for them"

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