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[BUGFIX] Fixes Crit Oddities
Noticed there's a few gaps in crit behavior.

When you're in crit, you consistnetly take 1 oxygen damage every Life process, that said, from -51 to -79 health, you don't take any. This generates oddities of being stuck in this range for a long time, and is kinda a lame "cheap spot" to be in where you're probably never going to suffer any ill effects.

The other is that it seems you're supposed to become fully unconscious once you hit -100 health or lower; the comment suggests that this is "handled via losebreath", but this isn't the case. Furthemore, setting stat directly to 1 (unconscious) also doesn't work as it just gets reset further in the life loop; therefore, paralysis setting is the only way to fix this behavior.

This fixes both of these behaviors.

Code comparison:
(07-29-2017, 05:24 PM)Fox McCloud Wrote: When you're in crit, you consistnetly take 1 oxygen damage every Life process, that said, from -51 to -79 health, you don't take any. This generates oddities of being stuck in this range for a long time, and is kinda a lame "cheap spot" to be in where you're probably never going to suffer any ill effects.

So this is why I can live longer while attacked by a ton of pissed monkeys/bees/etc.
Honestly, crit is pretty shitty as is, so I'd like to think these bugs were left unfixed for a reason
Quote:So this is why I can live longer while attacked by a ton of pissed monkeys/bees/etc.

Most likely.

Quote:Honestly, crit is pretty shitty as is, so I'd like to think these bugs were left unfixed for a reason

I disagree with that; crit has come a longggg way from what it used to be. It used to be hit 100 damage, black out and take oxyloss until you hit -100 and died.

Now it's far more dynamic; you no longer instantly pass out and you have a real chance; that won't change under these circumstances.

Given Goon's very damage numbers on most of their melee and ranged weapons (minus a few like c-swords, shotguns, and laser guns), this makes you incredibly durable.
Death should be something you have to work at to inflict on someone else. People are oddly durable, and I think it makes for a much more interesting situation where someone is brutalized and left for dead, only to just barely survive and carry out act II.

If anything, I think that crit should be extended further, at least if who or whatever put you in crit stops trying to kill you. Maybe have a narrow stage between heart failure and arrest where you're more or less comatose; you'd be helpless, but crit would apply its damage at a slower rate.
(07-30-2017, 12:36 PM)Superlagg Wrote: Death should be something you have to work at to inflict on someone else. People are oddly durable, and I think it makes for a much more interesting situation where someone is brutalized and left for dead, only to just barely survive and carry out act II.

If anything, I think that crit should be extended further, at least if who or whatever put you in crit stops trying to kill you. Maybe have a narrow stage between heart failure and arrest where you're more or less comatose; you'd be helpless, but crit would apply its damage at a slower rate.

This would be great! If left alone with your injuries you should remain a potato, lying there gasping until someone or something finishes you off or the very unlikely situation where someone heals you.

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