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Improving Gang mode part 2
Since we've been talking about game modes recently, I'd like to revive an old thread of mine regrading one of my more favorite modes: Gang

To pluck a few gems from the old thread for those that don't feel like going through it, here's some elements to make gang mode better:

1. Reputation
Rep would be a kind of currency that a gang generates based on activity and structures. An example would be creating a spray paint tag. While the tag existed, it would generate rep for the gang

2. The Black Market
The Black Market is a unique merchant accessible to a gang. The Black market would buy, sell, and trade items that gang's would find useful. One section of the market would function as a standard merchant, for much lower buying prices than what could be found in QM and more chances for rarer items. The other section of the market would allow the gang to exchange rep points for items unique to gang, such as clothing that generate rep when worn, weapons, and structures for base building

3. Base Building
Using the Black market, gangs could buy structures that are allied to their gang. This would include things such as drug labs that generate profit, decoration that generate more rep, structures that allow the gang to recruit more members, defensive barriers, and various other things that would give a gang a tactical edge. Rather than gang territory being arbitrarily based on tags placed around the station, it would be based on the size and scope of their base, and their ability to defend it.

4. Introduction of the "Heat" system
Similar to the "Christmas cheer" meter, as aggressive actions like murder occur on the station it becomes harder for the gang to operate. Black market prices increase and less rep is earned from structures and actions, maybe even shutting down completely if it gets too bad. It becomes in the gang's best interest to fly under the radar to operate, at least until they have all the resources they need.

5. Introduce gangs into other round types
A gang should be a coalition of crewmen that are operating their own agenda separate from antags or the station. They can go against or work with either as they see fit. Working gang leaders into standard rounds rather than just their own mode would make for a more colorful station. Gang mode would still exist as a multi gang vs gang kind of thing, but gangs would still have a chance to crop up in mixed, secret, or even as late round antagonists.

....and that's the basic idea in a nutshell. Structures and what not would need to be worked out. Personally I would like to see various kinds of drug generating labs for marijuana, meth, krokodil and the black market to have a shifting buying prices for those.
I love the heat aspect, encourages a sort of protection racket thing.
These would work *great* for a round that lasts longer than an hour, especially the base building part.
These are great improvements
After having 2 gang rounds last night I wanted to chime in with an idea of a gang balance mechanic. God help me if I try to learn to code just for this, but we had a big issue with most people joining one of the two gangs. What do people think of a team balance mechanic allowing +-1/2 people difference between gangs, but not distributing gear to a non ganged person if the other team doesnt have enough?

I can think of two things to be aware of with this:

1) Should gang affiliations continue to be tracked after cloning, or not? Is this even possible?
2) Should slots be considered "open" for a gang after their members die, allowing new, non affiliated members to join?

Or maybe im just an idiot, let me know though!
Well, the way I was going to propose it for a bigger rework would be that a gang has a low amount of slots, but building structures increases that slot amount, and the currency to build those structures is made by doing things a game would.

Working with the current system, there definitely a problem with one gang getting much larger much quicker. It seems the best way to grow your gang is place your locker somewhere with high traffic and advertise it frequently over the radio, something counterproductive if you are a small gang as it'll get the attention of the larger one. I feel like recruitment should be more mobile, with gang leaders able to recruit people directly

I'd say you should lose it when you die, because then the game could quickly recruit a new member, or wait to recruit their old guy. Gives more power to them. Plus people might be more willing to clone gang members if they know they won't come out as antags
(07-28-2017, 06:57 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Working with the current system, there definitely a problem with one gang getting much larger much quicker. It seems the best way to grow your gang is place your locker somewhere with high traffic and advertise it frequently over the radio, something counterproductive if you are a small gang as it'll get the attention of the larger one. I feel like recruitment should be more mobile, with gang leaders able to recruit people directly

I think this is more of a problem with there being no real risk involved in putting a base in the middle of a main hallway due to them being virtually indestructible.

(07-28-2017, 06:57 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Plus people might be more willing to clone gang members if they know they won't come out as antags

Keep in mind that gang members joined voluntarily, they weren't brainwashed and "forced" to be an antag like revolutionaries or mindslaves, their actions were entirely their choice, whether or not someone decides to clone them should be based on the player's actions, especially seeing as that player could just walk over and rejoin.
(07-28-2017, 08:31 AM)Dr Zoidcrab Wrote:
(07-28-2017, 06:57 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Plus people might be more willing to clone gang members if they know they won't come out as antags

Keep in mind that gang members joined voluntarily, they weren't brainwashed and "forced" to be an antag like revolutionaries or mindslaves, their actions were entirely their choice, whether or not someone decides to clone them should be based on the player's actions, especially seeing as that player could just walk over and rejoin.

An interesting note is that these gangsters aren't exactly antagonists in the same way traitors are. They're only allowed to attack rival gangsters and civvy crew who attack them. (Or at least that's how I've always interpreted it)

Thus, the crew shouldn't worry about cloning known gangsters unless they're looking to join a rival gang.
the gangster rules only seem to be on the wiki, which is stupid. there needs to be a pop-up for people who join a gang.

afair, the rules are basically: don't kill anyone, unless your gang and a rival gang start a gang war (different ways this can happen) and NEVER harm civilians
(07-29-2017, 12:42 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: the gangster rules only seem to be on the wiki, which is stupid. there needs to be a pop-up for people who join a gang.

afair, the rules are basically: don't kill anyone, unless your gang and a rival gang start a gang war (different ways this can happen) and NEVER harm civilians
if you're in a gang you can murder anyone in an opposing gang with whatever means
Idea: Gang pets, AKA Mascots aka BEE CONSCRIPTION

Pets of varying threat level that will defend whomever is allied to that gang if they are assaulted.

Buy a bee and name it Jay Bee.

Buy an owl and name it Owl Capone

Buy a Wendigo and name it rancor.

I think pets could work as a fun gang "super weapon", especially if they could end up making so much money that they buy a large drone and and name it Murder McMurderface.
(07-29-2017, 12:42 PM)NateTheSquid Wrote: the gangster rules only seem to be on the wiki, which is stupid. there needs to be a pop-up for people who join a gang.

Oh so very much. The current text dump isn't enough, because it doesn't say that blocking gang lockers is prohibited. And blocking lockers happens way too often, as is killing non-gang-members.
huh yes you are right atomic. where did i see that then? who knows. and yeah blocking off the lockers happens every gang round, its bad. pop-up should probably just be a quick summary of the rules so its more likely to be read, with the more important rules (dont block lockers, dont harm civilians) at the top

edit: by more important i mean more often broken
I think a good fix for both issues could be to remove the lockers and just let the gang leader induct people, but keep the number of gang members limited based on e.g. how much area you've claimed or something. People can still volunteer to be gang members, but that requires convincing the gang leader that inducting you is in their best interests. If the gang leader dies, the responsibility passes to the next most senior surviving gang member.
(07-30-2017, 02:11 AM)Roomba Wrote: I think a good fix for both issues could be to remove the lockers and just let the gang leader induct people, but keep the number of gang members limited based on e.g. how much area you've claimed or something. People can still volunteer to be gang members, but that requires convincing the gang leader that inducting you is in their best interests. If the gang leader dies, the responsibility passes to the next most senior surviving gang member.

i get the sentiment, but this just sounds like rev + endless regenerating rev heads with no need for the flashes

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