![[Image: gOUdNUO.png]](http://i.imgur.com/gOUdNUO.png)
Colors: Red: Doors / Brown: Chairs or beds / Dark grey: Lockers / Grey: Tables / Dark Green: Computers / Light green: Plants / Light blue: Windows / Dark blue: One way windows / Orange: Mail / Purple: vending / Yellow: Chutes / Lavender: Pods / Blue-ish: Misc (see note)
Main Foyer: The main foyer is expanded upon, to give it a more open welcoming area, with a lounge (the brown is seat, in this instance they are couches, the grey is a table, in this instance it's a glass table). The main foyer is essentially a place where you wouldn't really mind the average staff assistant getting into, which reduces the stress of the average officer. Also includes a front desk.
Parole: Cog1 now features a parole room
Interrogaton: The interrogation room is now brought to the front where it should see more use
"Conflict" Corridor: Security now has a long corridor which eases the flow and creates a choke point for all involved. Essentially makes a great firefight. Also the blue in those are segways, and are purposefully placed there.
Control Room: The security main room is now a control room. Not much has changed from the main room other than the layout, it functions essentially the same, but allows for more things should features ever be expanded
HoS: Functions the same
Weapons: Functions the same
Break Room / Confiscated items: This is just a backroom where security beds are placed, and acts essentially as a divider of the corridor. It's also where confiscated items lockers are located.
Emergency Room: A room equipped for minor medical emergencies. Has a bottle of booze, 2 medipaks, a medical vending machine and some misc medical items.
Podbay / Delivery: It has been amalgamated into one room, due to the fact it's space facing.
Armory: Functions the same (in retrospect should've been expanded to reflect cog2 armory, but oops)
The Brig features and escaping:
![[Image: DGgVEPf.png]](http://i.imgur.com/DGgVEPf.png)
Solitary: Functions the exact same as cog2 brig but with a blast door which can open into the main brig for those who are well behaved (or visa versa)
Main Brig: Has a ton of new things. The grey wall bordering the recreation room are actually plant trays. The brig starts with randomized seeds in it, mostly beneficial seeds which can be dispensed via a mail chute (that yellow is actually a mail chute oops). It has two vending machines, one for cards and another for drinks. It also contains hooty, which now acts as a parole warden allowing the prisoners to pay themselves out with prize money from the vending machines, thus contributing to the station (more on hooty later). It also has a one way window for security to spy on prisoner in the hallway.
Recreation room: This is a shared exercise room with various exercise equipment. Due to it having no escape route from that room, it functions for both the prisoner and the officer.
Escape: This was important to the redesign. I wanted it so that it was risky and difficult, but not impossible. There are 4 possible escape routes:
1. If you are on your own, you can escape through the front window. The window enters directly into security main, and sets off a unique alarm. However as there is no disposal chute present immedietely, you'll have to go west to break a window (that arrow should be in the bottom window oops) into the weapon storage or east to enter the foyer and dispense yourself to the main hallway.
2. If you have two people, you can tableflip and smash the window north (again setting off an alarm), then heading into the podbay (smashing another window) and dispensing yourself, stealing a pod or if you have some meds, use the belt hell
3. If you have some form of meds, or are prepared, or have proper ID to open the bridge maint, or you have a deathwish, you can escape into space through the bathroom. Due to the fact it is in a seperate space, this means there is little chance of the entire brig being depressurized.
4. Hooty can be given money to automatically open the parole chute. He will only accept one payee, meaning if two players jump in the chute, it will detect this and spit the other player back out. This is a "good" way of escaping, and can be controlled (and also turned off)
In total this redesign divides security into more rooms, making it more secure. It also makes the brig functional and far more fun. It offers a fresh look at security that hopefully tackles the numerous issues that players have.