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APCs and light switches stand out more in the dark
For me personally, one of the more frustrating parts of playing AI is locating APCs and light switches after sections of the station have gone dark. With the number of maps currently in rotation, it's certainly possible to remember the locations of the more noteworthy APCs/switches, but its unreasonable to have all of them committed to memory. Usually I'll have the station's map opened in another window in order to find them, but knowing their location isn't enough since you need to click the sprite itself, which can be difficult with how tiny the light switch sprite is. 

I dread receiving laws related to station power or lighting because I know I'm going to have to relocate every APC and light switch that had been tampered with after being being reset. Considering the AI is hardwired into the station, I feel that turning the lights back on or reactivating an APC should take much less effort than it does now.
Yeah, some kinda way to just access the APC linked to the area the AEYE was in would be nice
I think lightswitches should be completely unaffacted by light affects, seeing as they apparently give off light even when off.

Basically, lightswitches be treated as if they're always in space. That should make them stand out like a sore thumb during a blackout.

Of course, it shouldn't be in effect if there's no power. Fast way to tell what the problem is if you suddenly can't find the way to turn them on.

Pro tip: If tasked with turning off all the lights, just overload the light circuits for all the lights not near welder fuel. That'll teach them to expect you to do things.
The light switches have coloured lights in them. These should be weak light sources themselves.

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