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Hypospray Updating
So I noticed this bug specifically with sarin and haven't tried it with anything else but I think it might occur with other things. Basically you can load 5 units (maybe more, it only ever happened with 5) of sarin into a hypospray without it getting ejected for being harmful. As soon as the hypo updates in any way (picking up, placing in a backpack, dropping, attempting to use) it will immediately eject the chemicals so this bug can't really be abused all that much, but it's weird and I'm sure somebody will figure out a way to use it without it updating.
Again, I'm not 100% sure what causes this to happen, whether it be the chemical specifically or the amount used or whatever, but it's something I noticed recently while bored.
Yeah, this bug happens on every "harmful" substance. I tried it with some of the poisons I got from the traitor set and it threw then all out.
A minor bug but should be fixed.
Hey thanks for the report, Readster, it really helped. You know keep it up and you may make admin someday, who knows.

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