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Give mechanics default blueprints
you could scatter the blueprints to the winds ie put them in the inventories of those traders who appear in their little shuttles, put them in debris field trader inventories, put them in locked treasure crates, apply whatever random percentages you want
..and you could charge it agonising prices for the blueprint depending on the usefulness of the object, particularly cloners.
I can get behind that.
Have some blueprints spawn in some safes or crates.
I'd like it being loot alongside being purchasable yes sirree
Idea: Bring back the old method of building items in mechanics to rebuild items that you didn't scan

The one where you had to put each piece on individually, following a large list of pieces from a schematic. Don't include the fast dragging method that was added later on, really make them put each piece on, in order, or else it doesn't work.

Solves the problem of there not being a means to reacquire lost equipment, but makes scanning them drastically easier and preferred
(05-23-2017, 10:32 AM)Frank_Stein Wrote: Idea: Bring back the old method of building items in mechanics to rebuild items that you didn't scan

The one where you had to put each piece on individually, following a large list of pieces from a schematic. Don't include the fast dragging method that was added later on, really make them put each piece on, in order, or else it doesn't work.

Solves the problem of there not being a means to reacquire lost equipment, but makes scanning them drastically easier and preferred

Only if the rebuilding recipe never actually changes.

That way someone could just look in a book or the Wiki for the recipe and build it themselves.

Otherwise it's going to be a pain 100 percent of the time.
Are you referring to the components such as the resistor, capacitor, fuse, etc?
(05-25-2017, 09:03 AM)atamusvaleo Wrote: Are you referring to the components such as the resistor, capacitor, fuse, etc?


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