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What Happened Last Ass Day?
AI's the safest job on ass day. First round of the first ass day, I was the AI. Reigned supreme. It's also fun as heck because you become a force of terror, with petty humans begging to live.
Yeah, I get ya'.  There's also the added benefit of getting to laugh at people who upload laws as you laser them to death.

Hnh. I was on the first ass day round. Not sure what I did the first round, but I know a few rounds after that I was blowing up the drone factory. Those lil' fuckers. Argh!
On Ass Day I tried and often failed to set people on fire with my foamthrower.
Spawned in as test subject monkey

Got my hands on a robuttsec implant and HoS ID. Got into the armory to equip. Then opened up the dispoals doors and let loose my reign of terror stunning people and having them gibbed in the crusher

Then I mentioned how awesome the robuttsec implant was in ooc and promptly had it stolen whle held prisoner in a straight jacket

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