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My Starship Croo
IRC and Discord people have seen this but I wanted to share it with Forum folks

[Image: gOldjOx.png]

This is my starship croo. 
Pilot episode was very bloody.

If you are on it, congrats, if not, don't fail the audition next time.
I'm writing a script for the second episode; all youall can participate playing yourselves.

(this post will be edited as time goes on and I write more and take in suggestions)

Looselystyled, who has no mic, will be played in all dialogue options by cuts random males speaking in japanese, ideally from old samurai movies.
Cybertripping, who also has no mic, will be played in all dialogue by 90+ year old british war vets speaking about the war.

Intro music

Teddy: Captains Log. Stardate, 7
A deadly plague has broken out aboard the SS Thirteen
Bridge to Doctor Dions.
Doctor Dions. How are things?

Dions: (feel free to ad-lib so long as general context remains the same)
So many wangs

Teddy: Dions I need you to focus

Dions: on wangs?

Teddy: No, on the plague, how are containment efforts


Wonk: Maybe we should hail them first, they might be friendly?

Mr. Grumpy Chicken, are do you detect any hostiles?

Grumpchkin: (feel free to ad-lib so long as general context remains the same)
fuck you its Grumpchkin, enough with the fucking chicken

Teddy: That means we have no choice

Wonk: Yes we do!

Teddy: Fire all weapons! Fire at will! Fire at the enemy ship too!

Admiral Avack: Uh, you killed a defenceless transport ship

Teddy: I can guarantee you, sir, that they sent out no signals of their intention, we all thought they were hostile

Wonk: Bullshit!


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