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Seems like they are a little broken.  As soon as you open a crate with them, they warp away.  As soon as you step on them, you warp away.  You try to load them into a crate, they warp away.  They are pretty unusable right now.
They also have a mean tendency to warp everything in their tile into completely random positions nearby, making Mining a horrific clutter if they aren't careful with their gems.

NOTE: This is not a bug. Do not fix this part, because it is fucking hilarious.
This hilarious and not entirely intended but also kinda tricky to fix. I'll have to think about this some.
Yea, I agree with Nnystyxx.
It sounds neat as a feature, but if the time it took the crystals to teleport away was dragged out by a couple more seconds, then you could actually use these.
(if they teleport away before you can touch or move them, that sounds hard to use)
They do often teleport away before being touched or moved. It's seriously obnoxious for anyone who uses or finds telecrystals. They also warp people, things, themselves and even probably their own mothers away. It sucked being QM, having someone open my telecrystal crate, seeing them warp away and suddenly I'm wedged in a window.
Maybe telecrystals should make a noise or something before they do their teleportation effect? Like a charge up sound so you know to avoid touching it.

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