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The PTL should light cigarettes for you.
A couple rounds ago, I tried lighting a reefer in the PTL. Nothing, even when I threw it into the path of the beam. Walking into it would have fire gibbed me, but I can't light a smoke with it. What gives?
As always with a good and simple idea there's an idiot wanting to make it more complicated.


How about there be different effects depending on the intensity of the deathstick? Lighting a blunt on a 1pw laser would be interesting for sure.
there should be a unique suicide where you try to stick your head up to the laser with the cigarette in your mouth but end up sticking your head into the laser
I want to light a million credit blunt of omega weed on a laser powered by a billion suns. Yessss
Combine with this: Let engineers change PTL setting with their PDA.

CE: "Is the hellburn up, running, and burning down random paper-trays all over the station yet? Good, time to light my Doobie!"
I don't suppose it would be possible to just have the PTL heat items in general.

I want to be the one assistant who keeps using the PTL to make boiling hot popcorn.
if you push an iceblock into the ptl it should explode into flesh-searing steam thanks in advance

if you push a honeyblock into the ptl it should explode into flesh-searing sticky honey thanks in advance

if you push a plasma canister into the ptl
(07-26-2016, 12:59 AM)misto Wrote: if you push a plasma canister into the ptl

you dont wanna know what happens then
Pretty sure I saw a Borg push an air canister in front of the beam, blocking it to let us pass and just kept it there and nothing bad happened.
the point is that bad things should, in fact, happen. depending on the laser's strength, it should either gradually melt any canister or locker or whatever is in front of it into slag, or rapidly atomize it and ignite/detonate any contents/occupants

hell on strong enough settings it should probably melt thru most walls you can build in front of it, unl;ess theres some super heat rsistant shit in the materials system
It reacts weirdly. You can block it with stuff like artifacts, lockers, etc. but only until you 'update' the PTL by changing it's values. Once anything on the PTL is changed the laser will melt almost anything. Really though, walls shouldn't be stopping a pw laser -- must be that fancy space asbestos.

I guess it could be 'fixed' if it was set to automatically update after a set period.
The PTL once melted a space tear. A space tear.
(07-26-2016, 08:29 PM)medsal15 Wrote: The PTL once melted a space tear. A space tear.

Did it create a baby universe in the process?

If not, 0/10, scientifically inaccurate.

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