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A fixable remote telescope computer.
A long, annoying process like the paint machine. If you finally do fix it, you get to peer out into space like an observer. You can only see the outside of things though, so you can't tell if something is a space secret surrounded by an asteroid or just a space secret.
I kind of figured it would be neat if the telescope worked more like a giant radio, something SETI style, where a budding scientist can send off a space "ping" off to space coordinates, and see what bounces back, while maybe detecting other signals as well. I don't know, maybe it could even trigger some scary random events, like a spaceship crashing into the station.
atomic1fire Wrote:I kind of figured it would be neat if the telescope worked more like a giant radio, something SETI style, where a budding scientist can send off a space "ping" off to space coordinates, and see what bounces back, while maybe detecting other signals as well. I don't know, maybe it could even trigger some scary random events, like a spaceship crashing into the station.

That is more or less what I have planned, although more like triangulating signal strengths to find safe telesci coords in the telesci-locked areas. Work in progress. It might turn into a long-range sensor for the SSTV project that Aph and I are working on instead.

Just consider it a placeholder for the moment and a promise that it will become a way to find neat stuff soon.
SSTV project?
FrontlineAcrobat4 Wrote:SSTV project?
Space Station TeleVision. Probably.

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