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Pumping/Cocking/Pulling the hammer/bolt back on guns
An idea for gunfights. Some guns in the game should require pressing the C hotkey or clicking the gun in between shots, specifically the Barman's/armory shotguns and tranq rifles. Mainly this would be to lower the rate of fire on a fairly accessible and deadly weapon, though security could repeatedly do it to unload a gun.

Doing it on revolvers should pull the hammer back, though this shouldn't be necessary to fire.

Automatic pistols like the .22 would be cocked, ejecting unspent shells, letting them also be unloaded this way.

Include a cowboy trait that automatically pumps the shotgun for you.
/tg/ station and baystation shotguns do something like this if I recall. plus requiring you to load the shotgun shells manually. the neat thing about this is you could load different shells in sequence. load a lethal, stun, lethal, stun, lethal, stun for example will shoot out stun, then lethal in the reverse sequence like a real pump action shotgun.

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