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So I've recently took up a liking in tarot reading thanks to the new tarot cards that are now in game. It's a fun little gimmick one can do, and most people like getting their cards read. It often has hilarious consequences if one can read the card properly, and it's great to torment people reminding them of the cards they picked and how they must fulfill the prophesy.

But how does one tarot read?

1. Get the tarot cards located in crew quarters or beside the chapel. Pick an appropriate place, make it ominous. Why don't we have access to candles yet!

2. Choose the method of tarot reading. Honestly, the 3 card spread is the easiest and quickest and most fun.
Essentially, the 3 card spread means that the order you pick the cards in will be past, present and future.

3. Reading the cards. This is probably the most time consuming as you need to switch between websites and such. So i've made a big ass list and condensed all the cards into key words.

UPRIGHT - standard meaning
REVERSE - negative or weakened connotations.

MAJOR ARCANA - Important.
The Fool - Newness, purity, childlike energy
The High Priestess - Inspiration, physical attractiveness
The Magician - Emotional or spiritual power
The Empress - Femininity, intuition, abundance
The Emperor - Logic, Focus, Assertiveness.
The Heirophant - Purity, Justice. The right thing.
The Lovers - Romance, Duality
The Chariot - Energy, determination, ambition.
Strength - Mind over matter, control, patience.
The Hermit - Introspection, truth, spiritual
Wheel of Fortune - Change, passing time.
Justice - Fairness, balance, harmony
The Hanged Man - Crossroads, decision making.
Death - Transformation, critical/emotional change
Temperance - Relationships, balance.
The Devil - Internal struggle, lack of control
The Tower - Change, realism.
The Star - Inspiration, hope, goodness
The Moon - Uncertainty, patience.
The Sun - Freedom, joy, self-expression
Judgment - Introspection, open-mindedness.
The World - Stress, Completion.
CUPS - Emotion.
Ace of Cups - Positive, love, happiness, affection.
2 of Cups - Joy, contentment, sharing
3 of Cups - Re-union, celebration
4 of Cups - Warning of wishful thinking.
5 of Cups - Focus, the greater good.
6 of Cups - Nostalgia, remembrance
7 of Cups - Overwhelming choices, focus
8 of Cups - Loss, abandonment, change.
9 of Cups - Fortune, good things to come
10 of Cups - Fulfillment, good things to come
Page of Cups - Youth, fun, not taking things seriously
Knight of Cups - Energy, good things to come
Queen of Cups - Compassion, femininity.
King of Cups - Kindness, Nurture
COINS - Practical and financial.
Ace of Coins - Optimism, Upbeat energy
2 of Coins - Balance, partnership
3 of Coins - Encouragement, work paying off
4 of Coins - Clingy-ness, insecurity
5 of Coins - Insecurity, Loneliness, Change
6 of Coins - Fortune, generosity.
7 of Coins - Investment, reaping what one sows.
8 of Coins - Hard work, dedication
9 of Coins - Success, lack of stress.
10 of Coins - Good things to come, introspective.
Page of Coins - Boredom, Focus
Knight of Coins - Focus, Practical, good news.
Queen of Coins - Focus, Home and Hearth.
King of Coins - Authority, Resolution, Trust.
SWORDS - Conflict.
Ace of Swords - Bravery, new beginnings
2 of Swords - Balance, Communication.
3 of Swords - Sorrow, introspective, change.
4 of Swords - Time for break/space, introspective
5 of Swords - Mixed feelings, conflict, wisdom
6 of Swords - Change of scenery or internal change.
7 of Swords - Unethical intent, privacy.
8 of Swords - Fear, Mind over matter.
9 of Swords - Worry, Mind over matter.
10 of Swords - Lack of Trust, preservation
Page of Swords - Slow down, lack of understanding.
Knight of Swords - Accomplishment, good things to come.
Queen of Swords - Forceful Energy, awareness, abrasive.
King of Swords - Forceful Energy, Change.
WANDS - Work or Career.
Ace of Wands - New Beginnings, Good things to come
2 of Wands - Balance, importance of the mundane.
3 of Wands - Success, work paying off
4 of Wands - New events, excitement.
5 of Wands - Competition, Inner strength.
6 of Wands - Happiness, Celebration, positive change.
7 of Wands - Clarity, Resolution, independence.
8 of Wands - Frustration, patience.
9 of Wands - Anxiety and worry, tranquility required
10 of Wands - Heavy burden, break required
Page of Wands - Positive energy, possible distractions
Knight of Wands - Travel, Energy, good things to come
Queen of Wands - Accomplishment, positive energy.
King of Wands - Wisdom, positive energy.

Do what I do and copy all this and put it in a .txt file.

4. Understanding the cards.
These are open to interpretation for a reason. The Major Arcana have more significant meaning than the minor Arcana, and thus are higher regarded.

Note when you get a card reversed, it normally means there will be negative connotations with this but in a subtle way. Such as if someone got a reverse page of coins for example, they might find boredom to be more significant than they realize and it will be difficult to focus. Or however you interpret it. A reverse negative card will weaken that card in a positive way. A reverse devil will mean that the internal struggle may not be so bad.
Crap forgot to give an example.
Lets say you pull the follow cards in this order:
1. The Star
2. 3 of Swords
3. Reverse 10 of cups.
They will past, present and future respectively.
So Pubbie Mcgee's past was The star. He had a good past, one of high inspiration and had a great amount of hope. It is a major card, so one might imply that the hope is still there.
His present is the 3 of Swords. Something in his life is causing him great sorrow, and now is the time to be introspective
His future will be the reverse 10 of cups. He may be fulfilled, but something in the future is blocking the way. Perhaps his cowardly death? Perhaps he wasn't introspective enough? Perhaps the star was a false prophet? Who knows.
Do note that a lot of Tarot cards have slightly different meanings depending on who's interpreting them or writing them up, especially when you read them contextually with nearby cards in a spread. Inverted cards can also sometimes be a little different than just the opposite of the normal reading, such as The Tower inverted possibly being a narrowly averted disaster, a disaster you've learned nothing from, etc. One of the things I want to do involves making an auto-spread-generator but an automated interpreter would end up about as incomprehensible as Zoldorf's mad-libs without a ton of work.

Why yes, I am a tarot nerd. Your interpretations are decent enough for truncated versions but some of them are kinda odd. Ten of Swords is considered one of the absolute worst cards in the deck in terms of EVERYTHING IS TERRIBLE FOREVER and your interpretation is pretty far off that mark, for instance. I might write up what I view as a more comprehensive set of interpretations at some point.

I may also have a text file full of art ideas for each and every card if we ever want to give them art
I used.. ... index.html
This website to compile a big list of tarot cards. I find that tarot cards vary from website to website, and also apparently from deck to deck. Which is why I wanted to be so shortened, so it is open to interpretation. There's no clear cut explanation of a each card that doesn't go into depth so leaving them ambiguously short would be the best approach for when you want to read someones fortune on the fly, especially in the fast paced environment that is goon. That said I may re-check my list, after looking through different websites the 10 of swords is alot more darker than the one I read into, the one I had basically stated lack of trust got you into this mess and that now you must persevere. While other websites imply that you don' goofed and now you are going to get serious shit. I'll update it when it's not 3:30am and I need to sleep.
Make mystic a gimmick job of the day imo
Or maybe, to be a bit more broad in application, a Magician. Complete with being able to store and retrieve things inside of his hat and other such wackiness.
Nubcake Wrote:Make mystic a gimmick job of the day imo

That's the chaplain's job already.
Glad you guys are enjoying them! Note that Zoldorf also sells a few packs of them.

Lemme know how the cards are behaving and if there's anything you can think to add that'd make them even better!
I suppose this isn't strictly related to the game's tarot cards, but I designed all 78 for our DnD campaign and so a couple of us have been playing with them using your guide, so I figured I should thank you for posting it! Thanks!
If it's not too messy, I think basic interpretations oughta go into var/desc for tarot cards so you can just examine them without having to go outside the game.
having them on the card itself kinda ruins some of the mystique. How about a set of the rules be printed on the box itself?

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