Ok I'll get straight to the point, this idea was thrown put in the bad idea's subforum, not because it was bad or anything, but more due to the fact that when it was suggested, byond didn't really have the capabilities as it does now. That is, sound is more encompassing, a scream, fart or the hissing of doors may be heard a few screens away.
So why not music? The concept is simple really, there's a jukebox in the jazz room, give that the capabilities to play a tune, via record disks. These record disks could be just a thing to be found around z-level/telescience areas, or bought from space tradesmen.
The drawbacks? As far as I can tell the music must be .ogg or some other weird format. Other than that to stop someone who only has one disk and is playing the same dang song over and over, you could have the jukebox run on gold coins. Have a few spawn in the barmans closet, 1 or two in the detectives office. Pretty sure people have a chance of spawning with a lucky coin every once in a while.
I've always felt like the Bar/Jazz lounge sounded a bit too quiet. Aside from the saxophone and screaming, that is. I think I've seen the jukebox thing work on other servers too, but I'm not a code monkey and couldn't tell ya how to implement that. It was nice to have some music every now and then, though.
Not sure if we need coins for the jukebox; it sounds a bit too restrictive if the Bartender has to either A: Give them out or B: Use them himself, especially if the Bartender is absent. I think you could get away with the same way vending machines work. Maybe add a 'cooldown' or queue for songs so no one has to fight over what song to play. I'd also suggest "Fonzie"ing the jukebox if you click on it with an empty hand on harm intent. This would have a very small chance of succeeding (with a higher probability if you are wearing sunglasses), a high chance of doing nothing, and a small chance of having the jukebox crushing/shocking you. Also if you could grab a Spessman and slam him into the jukebox I'm sure that would be popular during bar brawls.
Personally, I've always been a fan of Disc Jockey being an official role (or at least a duty the HOP or Captain can do) that gets a couple of really generic muzak songs representing different genres they can play over the station.
I think it would be p cool if the disks were either purchasable from QM or only found in telescience areas. YO SCIENTISTS GO FIND "THE JAMS TO EXPLORE TO" CD ON THAT DEAD GUY.