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Give The Traitor Clown Back His Clown Car
You can only be clown a few days out of the week and being a TRAITOR clown is even more rare.

I seen no reason to deprive our sad, demented clown friend his signature items.

Please return to us the Clown Car.
That said I think what makes clown traitors so great and hilarious is that they're pretty destined to failure (as recanted in many traitor stories). A successful traitor clown is either very very lucky, or wasn't wearing his full clown garb.
So with that in mind, I think a traitor clown car should be slightly faulty. Every once and a while, it should come to a grinding stop and smoke comes out of it, in which the clown would have to wait (8-12 seconds, byond lag forgiving) to start the engine again.
I also think that people should be able to escape the clown car if they resist, but this takes as long as to resist out of cuffs and they can only do it if the clown is not in the car, otherwise it gets interrupted. Two minor but fun changes.
Sundance Wrote:Agreed.
That said I think what makes clown traitors so great and hilarious is that they're pretty destined to failure (as recanted in many traitor stories). A successful traitor clown is either very very lucky, or wasn't wearing his full clown garb.
So with that in mind, I think a traitor clown car should be slightly faulty. Every once and a while, it should come to a grinding stop and smoke comes out of it, in which the clown would have to wait (8-12 seconds, byond lag forgiving) to start the engine again.
I also think that people should be able to escape the clown car if they resist, but this takes as long as to resist out of cuffs and they can only do it if the clown is not in the car, otherwise it gets interrupted. Two minor but fun changes.

They already crash into walls and release everyone.
Aghast it's been so long since i played / seen the clown car that I forgot it did that.

Remind me, why was the clown car removed again?
Because the people in control of the game really hate clowns for some reason. frown

First clown got removed entirely, then it was begrudgingly allowed as a special day job, but then traitor clown cars got removed on top of that.

I remember when being a clown meant something. Granted, I wasn't around when it was originally meant to be a punishment job, but I remember station clowns being whimsical jokesters who would gallivant around the station falling on their faces, doing merry jigs for the crew, and getting killed shortly after showing up. Any clown with any modicum of integrity wore the full outfit at all times, even in the face of depressurization. And there was only ever one clown at a time, because really you only need one good clown.

A traitor clown was more hilarious than dangerous. Granted, security was every bit as likely to converge on them and murder them on the spot as they would anyone else (it was a different time and sec was far more bloodthirsty than they are now (SHOCK, I know)), but they really couldn't do much but throw banana grenades and abduct people in their dumb little car, which was more like forcing people to go on a grand adventure with you than any actual harm (unless the dummy drove out into space in which case he was just as screwed).

The thing is, you have to be wearing full clown gear to use the car. The only problem I can figure is that since more than one clown suit can exist now, that means anyone who wants to can basically drive the thing, instead of having to steal a clown's suit right off of him to do it. So I guess that's the most likely reason it was removed. I can't imagine there isn't some other way to do it, though, like making you have to have the dyspraxia gene (the clown clumsiness gene) to pilot it?
Please yes, I have fond memories of loading the car up with over half the crew and then driving straight into the singularity/space. All Ears

But it doesn't need to be changed at all. It's such a shit traitor item, it's super easy to crash, especially with lag, and it doesn't really do anything deadly unless you kill yourself too.
I don't see why not. I happily give clown cars to any appropriately dressed traitors if they ask nicely anyway.
It'd be really neat if the clown car had its own tab with two functions, honk, which lets you honk a bike horn, and seat springs, which launches everyone that isn't driving the car (or maybe even everyone) out of the windshield at high speed.
Klayboxx Wrote:It'd be really neat if the clown car had its own tab with two functions, honk, which lets you honk a bike horn, and seat springs, which launches everyone that isn't driving the car (or maybe even everyone) out of the windshield at high speed.
I see no reason to give the clown car any function would could be construed as practical and/or useful.

Like the honking bit though.

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