Brandon's HoS Application
Usual character name: Brandon Roth
BYOND username: Ac3556
Discord username (if you are on our discord):  Ac35561
Goon servers you play: Sylvester

Reason for application: I've been playing Goonstation for 8 months, and I have always enjoyed playing security, and to a slightly lesser extend command positions and after mainly playing security I feel applying for Head of Security would be a good step for me. I also enjoy being able to assist and teach players either new to security, or are still learning the ropes.

Security experience (300 word minimum): When I first started playing on Goonstation I was slightly intimidated by the security department, as I felt that it would be the most difficult department to learn however after my first round as a security assistant I was enthralled with the department. I only became more interested in security after unlocking security officer, which quickly became my favorite role because even with the added responsibilities and expectations I still enjoyed being able to assist in keeping the station running. As I kept playing as a security officer security ended up standing out as my favorite department, as I enjoyed being able to assist in maintaining peace, and some stability against a never ending wave of chaos. Later into my time playing as a security officer as I got more confident I learned that I also enjoyed teaching and assisting newer members to the security department in grasping the ropes of the department.

One of my first real issues in security was that I was a bit anxious in enforcement as I wasn't sure that I was correct and second guessed myself often. As I kept playing as security, and ensured my knowledge on space law was up to date I began to stop second guessing myself, and was more confident in my abilities. Similarly, as I kept interacting with other crew mates, and enforcing space law my anxieties about enforcing space law and any potential mistakes I make has worn down, as I've learned that everyone will eventually make a mistake, and that it's about being able to admit to your mistake, learn from it, and fix or assist in fixing the results.

Around the middle point of me playing security I began learning the forensics system and playing as a detective. The more rounds I played as a detective and focused on learning and using the forensics I slowly became confident in my abilities to accurately determine a suspect after a proper investigation. Now I am entirely confident in my abilities with the forensics system and ability to accurately and efficiently determine a suspect in a investigation.

Answer two or more of the following:
What advice would you give to other sec players?: Learn when to remove yourself from a situation and take a breather, you won't be an effective officer if you are overcome by your emotions, and know when to sit back and have fun because it's important to not get burnt out and to enjoy the game.

What game improvements or changes do you think would benefit security players?: The first change I could think of would be giving the detective more access by default as they're meant to be investigating crimes and such however they often struggle to reach the crime scenes. Another change I would like to see would be updating the secmate computers to have a GUI like the one you see in the detectives office as I feel that might make it easier to use.

Answer one or more of the following fun questions (because it's important for the HoS to be fun):
What's a security gimmick that you've ran or wanted to run?:

Write a poem to convey your thoughts on security/NanoTrasen/space/bees/anything related to SS13.:
A clown named stirring
Ran through the halls alarms blaring
Stirring took a fall, hit the wall
Now two officers haul him off to security.

Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): I was banned once during my first or second month of playing for breaking rule two (gendered swears), however I have not been banned since that first one.

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