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Module Music Player
AIM To make a compact player piano.

Also the images are crude, but they get across the form. I think.


[Image: AoEiVXj.png]  [Image: SRkS89x.png]
  • Adds functionality to the devices below.
  • Contains the necessary hardware and software for the devices to run. Maybe add a speaker to the front?
  • Can be used to add other instruments sounds, though I only plan on doing the piano for now.
  • Each module costs 20 mats. Might be lowered?

Module Music Player

[Image: WyIAOu2.png]
  • A base object to hold and play modules.
  • Click on it with a module to add it and use a crowbar to remove it.
  • Potentially allow specific module removal based on where the user clicked on the sprite.
  • Holds up to 16 modules.
  • A large object like the player piano.
  • Costs 30 mats 1.5 sturdy, 0.5 conductive, and 0.5 crystal

Handheld Module Music Player

[Image: xKOirUT.png]
  • Like the MMP but smaller.
  • Can be flipped to add/remove modules.
  • Holds up to 8 modules.
  • Either the size would be normal or bulky.
  • Costs 25 mats 0.2 sturdy, 0.3 high energy conductor, and 0.1 crystal

  • Add modules to the player piano.
  • Allow the player piano to play multiple notes at once.


I'm asking before I commit to making it. Better to stop at the idea stage than when it's already made.

I haven't made sprites before, so any that I make would be really basic. I can code, though.
I'm not familiar enough with how pianos work, so I can only really comment on what I do know about the game. I'm 100% down for experienced piano players to be able to load up a music player to play their favorite tunes, could be fun and let people really set the ambiance they want in an RP setting.

I'm not sure how radio hosts would feel about pressing a button for a lengthy song but I have their music muted so...

I like the idea that they can be created from General Fabricators, since those things can already make instruments and cargo could be the source of interesting modules instead of the music player itself. But the cost to create these things is far too vague and costy. Keep in mind that fabricators in general have about 9 total materials available at roundstart, that being 3 sturdy material (steel) 3 conductive material (copper) and 3 crystal (glass)

I say that the Music Player would cost 1.5 sturdy material, so it'd cost the same as a fluid canister and be about the same size, with the piano module costing around 0.5 conductive material. The handheld music player, being more portable and thus more desireable, would require 0.2 sturdy material, 0.1 crystal, and maybe around 0.3 high energy conductor (requiring mining support)
Yeah, the material cost is way too much. It should be at most around 3 for the frame and like 1 for the module
Sorry for not clarifying. So for example the Player Piano costs 20 mats, which would be:
  • 0.7 Sturdy Metal
  • 0.8 Crystal
  • 0.5 Conductive
So it would cost 2 bars worth to make. The actual numbers vary by round, but they all add up to 2.

I'm making the modules the same cost as the Player Piano since they're functionally equivalent.

For the MMP I would say 1.5 sturdy, 0.5 conductive, and 0.5 crystal. Conductive used for internal wiring and logic. Crystal for an interface, maybe on top?

For the HMMP I think using high energy conductors is a good idea. The sturdy and crystal may be a bit low? Though it is a small device.
Updated design document on the Player Projects section on Discord.
Succeeded by PR #21058, Text to Music Component.

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