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Merge Job-specific traitor items into department head traitors
Like, MD would have syndicate borg frames, and HoP would be able to buy the butchers knife.

 Unsure if that would be too OP tho...
It depends on the item assigned to the role. Butcher's knife on hop seems unfitting and incredibly annoying
I think having it as a regular thing -might- cause weird "I must play X jobrole because I want optimum merged job synergy of traitor items" stuff, you've covered the "too OP" potential as well. But I also like the idea that people could occasionally be surprised by an unorthodox use of traitor items that you wouldn't expect from someone in a particular role. That sounds like a good way to keep people a little on their toes, and currently the only way to achieve that is chatting with fellow traitors and agreeing to swap, hoping they haven't already spent their points and want to.

So here's a suggestion that sort of does what you're looking for, but hopefully isn't too OP and doesn't encourage people playing roles just in case they also happen to roll antag on it:

-Relatively rarely (maybe around 15%, so that of all your antag rounds which are theoretically rare, you also have the rare occurence of this, but it also isn't so infrequent to barely matter, I also don't want to degrade the "throw caution into the wind and buy a surplus" option by having this be too common) you either:
- Option A: "Swap" your job-specific items with another department. So you end up with the clown options as an engineer, or you end up with HoP options as a detective, so on. You lose access to your original job specific stuff. This reduces any risk of "op"ness as you're not worrying about any weird synergy. Personally I think it's a bit too cautious for what would be a very rare thing to happen, on top of it being randomised, but it's worth putting as an option.
- Option B: You get two: Your original department, and a random department as well. So as an engineer you get your engineering list but also a clown list, or as a clown you get clown and botanist, so on.

Why would this be cool?: Offering different syndicate items outside your normal job role might encourage both an element of surprise for traitors, and also might encourage an unorthodox application of syndicate items people usually would not have access to in a role. A clown with a syndicate device analyser? A roboticist with the disguised law modules? Detective with the FUNNY revolver?

It also might from an RP angle encourage some different traitor gimmicks. I can think of quite a few times personally having a different department's tool would have really helped augment a bit I'm doing, the surplus crate sometimes creates this scenario as well and that can be really fun to shake things up, so this might also do the same.

It might also encourage people to sample some syndicate items that they might not normally touch if they happen to either be very focused on one department, or just don't play a particular other department very often. The randomness of the department and the infrequent opportunity keep it from suddenly becoming part of any traitor meta as well.
lefinch's idea sounds like a good compromise, that way heads aren't just "90% of traitor items in this department" and when people see a job specific traitor item they won't be able to go "Oh, a red chainsaw? investigate all of botany instantly."
yeah, both ideas def takes the meh idea i had and turns it into something balanced

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