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Let Crew Buy Stuff From Gang Lockers [Idea Rejected]
I had a funny idea as a citizen during a gang round. I found a gang locker alone and imagined what if I, as a crewmember could access like a specific shop from the gang locker. 

Basically the lockers truly operate as a market where I donate credits to a gang in return for crazy drugs, cool outfits, weapons, and more. I don't know, does this sound cool to anybody?
(09-10-2024, 05:30 PM)JanusRose Wrote: I had a funny idea as a citizen during a gang round. I found a gang locker alone and imagined what if I, as a crewmember could access like a specific shop from the gang locker. 

Basically the lockers truly operate as a market where I donate credits to a gang in return for crazy drugs, cool outfits, weapons, and more. I don't know, does this sound cool to anybody?

I think that just how gang member work.and gang team can intend to do that by just sell stuff to civilians directly.also civilian is not antag there is no reason for them to have weapon around they will make security more trouble and might assume you are in gang.
Giving crew a reason to support the gangs so they can get weapons as non-antagonists sounds like it would lead to more crackdown on gangs from security, and potentially a lot of self-antagging and metagaming issues.
Could just be drugs then, doesn't have to be weapons

The whole point of the gang locker being gangs only is because... crew shouldnt be able to use the gang's stuff against them.
Let alone it will RUIN the point of hiding your gang locker from Security OR other gangs. Since now you want to "advertise it" to get customers.. sure in secret but... you know people will meta the shit out of it.

Also as Jan points out.. Self antagging like hell.

If you want gangs to be able to sell locker stuff... let the gangs do it themselves. Let them be drug dealers and suppliers. Let them get credits.
Let them sell drugs that improve work flow but are highly addictive. But only gang members can get it from the locker.

I don't see it working in classic as this will just mark you for a beat down, but in roleplay it can be a fun way to play gangs.
lockers are probably disappearing for non-gangs soon. but yea basically what jan said
Remove gang lockers, let gangs buy things from NPC black market shopkeepers scattered around the station so it's unsafe
(09-11-2024, 08:29 AM)Cal Wrote: Remove gang lockers,  let gangs buy things from NPC black market shopkeepers scattered around the station so it's unsafe

While cool, this would be an even more major tip off on gangs. With lockers the gangs decide where to deploy.
With this... people will fight over the dealers more then gang lockers do.

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