Mentor Application- Vaughn Guy
Usual character name: Vaughn Guy
BYOND username: TamedEvil
Discord username (if you are on our discord): shadowbomb213

Recommended by (if applicable): eggcereal
Goon servers you play: RP, Nightshade a LOT when it's up!

Reason for application + game experience (300 word minimum):
I've always been a fan of helping people learn and understand new things. Everyone deserves to be able to understand what's going on in the game they're playing, so I'd like to throw my hat in the ring here to teach players on the Main servers, having helped teach some new players in the recent Nightshade uptime.
  • Civilian: I've got some time under my belt in this area, admittedly not the most, but still willing to learn what I've missed! I can guide through the basics of Botany and Rancher, and a little bit of the advanced, while being able to guide through the various machines the Chef and Bartender have as well.
  • Engineering: I've a good grasp on everything minus the high-output engines and medium-advanced mechcomp! I can easily teach the basics of Mining and Cargo, as well as some advanced in those areas, as well as how to start a basic engine of each type and troubleshoot what might be causing an issue in each engine as well.
  • Medical: Plenty of time behind those ProDoc goggles. I can easily train newbee doctors in which medicine to apply in each scenario, as well as help them learn surgery and Robotics. Genetics is out of my scope, but I know enough of the basics to be able to help get someone started in learning that too, while learning something myself!
  • Research: Science is one of my favorites. I've got a solid knowledgebase on the department, and can guide players no matter which part of the department they need help in. My strength is Chemistry, but Telescience is a close second, with Artifact Lab being just behind that. Toxins I'm still learning, but I've got the basics down flat so I can help get the ball rolling while leaving the rest to the person I'm assisting.
  • Security: My other favorite department! The game of cat and mouse everyone's come to love, I love helping newer Officers and Assistants learn the ropes. When to push and pull, when to arrest versus just a ticket, it's all an acquired skill that I believe I have. Nothing beats a good string of forensics, after all, and I'm no stranger to piecing things together to solve a case, and I want to spread that skill to the others!
  • Command: Every department has their schtick, and having played enough of all of them, I think I've got a grasp of how to lead them. There's always more things to learn, but I'm capable of teaching what I know while learning more as I observe.
Previous bans (while this will not affect your application lying about it will): One, escalation failure as Rogued AI. I want to believe I've improved since then!
We really appreciate the time and effort you put into this application, but have decided to deny it due to insufficient community response. You're welcome to reapply in 60 days, which would be 12-17-2024. In the meantime, I'd encourage you to keep being a friendly and welcoming member of the community!

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