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Let pugs wear wigs!!!
Big Grin 
As you may know, pugs CANNOT take the wig trait thus rendering them "bald". How is it that every other mutantrace can but not pugs? I heard it was because they "have fur" but so do cows. We need to correct this injustice toward pugs and allow them to take the wig trait from roundstart.  jons the catte
As long as it doesn't break the sprites, I don't see anything wrong with this. hell yeah man

Or we could add poodles with customizable hair

Edit: After reading Flabrorized's opinion, I agree with them that this wouldn't work very well
We intentionally didn't let pugs spawn with wigs because both we didn't want pugs to blend in with humans too much (wigs were added a little bit before development on pug finished, we definitely wouldn't have let them spawn with Just Hair at the time) and because I personally don't like how they look on pugs very much (me having drawn the pug sprites being why my view in particular is relevant.)

I still don't really like the idea aesthetically for what it's worth. I recognize that pugs are light on customization compared to other mutantraces, and also that it's difficult to really add a lot since I want them to still look vaguely like pugs (ie: not be able to have arbitrary fur colors) and pugs IRL can be pretty same-y looking. To me, being able to wear fancy clothes and hats makes up for this, but I see the Want to have it at roundstart instantly and with the billion hairstyles. I'd vouch for adding some other form of customization in its place but I really struggle to think of something you'd put on pugs, since they don't really have frills or antennae like other species.

I don't really wanna stonewall the change if most other devs end up wanting it, but I really don't. If we do implement it, I'd like if they had like a funny little fur-less bald spot under the wig to keep with the Comedy angle pugs have though, since I think that would be a funny way to implement it.
I was actually working on additional fur colors a few months ago and then got roadblocked by instead having to integrate the new TGUI Color picker. But technically, if we allowed you to pick more fur colors + patterns and simply limit the hues / colors you can choose from, that would already go a long way. Think any color ranging from black to white and brown to beige, or something along those lines.

I personally agree it looks bad, but cows also look bad with it. I don't think something looking bad is a good reason not to have it, ugly aesthetics are very much a big part of some character designs.

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